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"My Lord....why is a commoner here?" The chief council, Choi Cheol-Joong, asked his hands tucked in the sleeves of his robes.

"Because I wish her to be." The Raven haired man said, his eyes sliding from the girl to Cheol-Joong.

"What if she announces that you exist?" He said not meeting the man's eyes.

"Why would I do that?" She asked looking at the councilor.

"You insolent little..." He said raising his hand to hit her.

She flinched back closing her eyes. She seemed to be bracing herself for the hit, but it never came.

"If you touch her I will kill your daughter." The Raven haired man was in front of them now holding onto the other man's arm. "Get out. Now."

She watched as the councilor slowly bowed and left before turning her attention to the man. "I'm sorry my Lord." She said bowing.

"What is your name?" The man asked tilting his head as he regarded her.

"Yoon Hanu." She said softly still not looking up at him. She was scared; she'd admit it anyday. She had heard the way he handled business and if she pissed him off she'd be his next meal.

She felt him move rather than saw it. He was in front of her kneeling down before she knew how to breathe.

She felt his long slender finger under her chin lifting it up so she was looking at him. His eyes seemed to match his hair as he stared into hers.

"Why are you here Yoon Hanu?" He asked as he walked back to his throne. She watched him move away from her spot. He was elegant and graceful as he moved. It was like smoke rising in the air. It was stunning to see.

Humans didn't possess that type of fluidity and Hanu was sure even if they did it would've looked different than Gwi's movements.

"Well?" Came his deep voice as he waited for her to answer. His expression unreadable as he watched the human watch him.

"My father was arrested alongside Forbidden Quest and committed suicide." Hanu said as looked past him to the tree that had Prince Sadong trapped in it. Fear passed through her eyes but curiosity was reflected on her face. "He didn't fear the king of you, but he did tell me about you." She said speaking softly.

"And you decided to seek me out for what purpose?" The vampire asked leaning back as he touched his deep red lips, a sneer playing on them.

"My father was extremely controlling. My mother had to cook, clean, and bare children for him. I was only allowed to learn how to be a wife." She said speaking cautiously, weighing every word making sure she was making sense. "When he heard he'd be facing you he killed himself because he was terrified of you. When we got the news and the guards left my mother smiled so wide I thought her face was going to split in two." She said looking up at him again.

He listened to her and chuckled, "you believe yourself equal to men?" He asked tilting his head at her.

"Mortal men. Yes." She said nodding. "You no. There's no one that's your equal anywhere." She said with a nod.

He gave a short exhale through his nose as if he found it amusing. "You're flattering me Hanu."

"My Lord?" She asked softly as she tilted her head.

"You're scared of my am I wrong?" He asked and Hanu shook her head.

"Ah. It's time for some fun." He said and stood up. He offered her his hand, "come with me."

Hanu took his hand rising, her chima dress was made of cotton same as her Jeogori.

"Don't worry my dear. We'll get you a better outfit soon." He said as he lead her out of the dungeon and towards the new King's palace.

"I...yes my lord." She said holding her dress up a bit with the hand that wasn't in Gwi's.

There was lanterns burning in the throne room and Hanu was surprised when they turned towards it. "Stay with me." He said letting go of her hand. He pulled open the doors and pranced in smoothly.

Hanu kept her head down as she followed. Her fear visible on her face as she walked to the thrown with him. He cleared off the table and sat down. Hanu stood to the side of the table her head down

"Continue." He said looking over his shoulder at the prince. That was the moment Hanu knew she was damn sure going to align herself with the Vampire.

After the next month he had plenty to eat and had plenty for her to do. Hanu did it without any sort of question.

She didn't expect him to kill the queen though. She also didn't expect him to mourn the queen.

She sat with him in the palace room and watched as he killed every councilor.

"Hanu." His voice came as he leaned back. "Come here."

She walked to him a scream falling from her lips as he bit into her neck. She tried pushing him away, however she quickly lost consciousness.

"Wake up." His deep voice came throught the haze.

Hanu sat up looking around a burning thirst in her throat.

"You're probably really hungry." He said with a smirk. "Follow me." He said andwalked out Hanu stumbling after him with a low growl.

He pointed to a servant girl who started running, "go ahead."

She didn't need to be told twice. She was in front of the girl in the blink of an eye her teeth deep in her neck as she held the struggling girl. She stared at the vampire who turned hert he whole time only to find him smirking.

"Sung-Yeol." He said looking over his shoulder. "Go to the dungeon and wait behind the tree." He said before runnig off. Hanu followed orders and waited. She heard someone enter but could tell it wasn't Gwi. Their scent smelled too sweet.

She was about to move when two more people entered. Gwi was one of them. She heard the sounds of the fight and then a gunshot. However she also saw the human creeping closer to her. She grabbed her a hand holding her hair.

Gwi quickly subdued Sung-Yeol before running over to Hanu. He grabbed Yang-Sun and drained her almost completely. He dropped her and let Hanu have his left overs.

However Hanu didn't take it. Sung-Yeol had gotten up and so she ran past Gwi and grabbed the dagger throwing it away before punching him. She was really not a match for him, but she was also using his humanity against him. She kept dancing out of reach before moving in to hit him.

Sung-Yeol threw her against the wall before turning his attention to Gwi who was already ready for him. "You're not leaving this place Sung-Yeol."

When Hanu came around the fight was done and Gwi was waiting for her. "Here. I collected what was left."

He said and handed her a small bowl. Hanu drank it looking up at him as he tied a piece of the black garment around her throat.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2020 ⏰

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