Chapter 3

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The next day at school passed by in the normal fashion. I sat through Spanish with only a few tortured glances at Romeo and Juliet. I fiddled with my hands in my lap to keep from lunging across my desk for my book. I wasn’t even able to pay attention to Ms. Greens rambling on about future tense. The school bell jarred me from my stupor. I stood up and gathered my things, shoving them into my school bag. 

“Veronique, Ven aqui, por favor.” Ms. Greens motioned to me. I glanced around the empty class and waved Beth on, by the door.


“I have a student who needs tutoring, and I thought I would make you a deal,” She stared at me straight on from behind her desk, “I will let you read, if you can participate at the same time, but only if you spend Monday, Wednesday, Sunday, starting today after school, from 4:00 to 5:45, tutoring a… more difficult student of mine.”

“Okay… where should I meet her?”

“Meet HIM, in one of library rooms after school, he wants to make sure no one knows about this.”

“Will do, Ms. Greens, thanks!”

I had a lump in my throat, not because I had to tutor someone but because Ms. Greens did not look like she liked him. Who was this kid? Some crazy pyro, a druggie, or even a cheerleader? But no worries right? I could handle anything…Couldn’t I?


I’ve always loved the library. It’s like a café minus the coffee and add about a bajillion books. I spent most of my afternoons there. I relish in the mixed smell of old and new books. When you walk in there are a few couches and chairs surrounding tables. Half way into the room the real fun begins. There are rows and rows of ceiling tall bookcases. I’ve lost myself in these shelves. From Cast to Tolstoy to Rowling.

I walked up to the desk and asked about a room reserved for Spanish tutoring.

“Back there, the room in the corner,” the librarian said warmly.

I smiled and thanked her.

I traveled to the farthest corner of the library and entered into the room. The entrance could most likely fit French doors, but the room was door less. The room had a white board on the sage colored walls, a black, velvet, semicircle couch. A silver, round table sat in the middle of the couch, where a kid was sitting, hunched over his backpack. His back was to me so all I could see was his muscular back through the black, tight t-shirt.

“Hello?” I said tentively.

“Hey, I’m just finding my Spanish book,” I knew that voice, oh no, no, no! “I’m Trenton.”

What had I gotten myself into?


“I didn’t know you spoke Spanish.”

“Well, I’m just full of surprises.” I sat across masking my true feelings of annoyance from his smirking face, “What do you want to accomplish from the sessions?”

“I want you to go out on a date with me.” He tried to burn a hole in me with those magnificent eyes of his.

“Aren’t you persistent?” I replied monotonously, “I was talking about the language.”

“I know.” He grinned widely.

“Did anyone ever tell you, that you’re infuriating?”

He turned to me with that gorgeous cocky smile, “Well, no one this beautiful.”

I blushed deeply, retorting, “And I’m supposed to fall for that?” I rolled my eyes.

“Well, your cheeks are pink,” I blushed deeper, “So I’m assuming that means you are attracted to me and don’t know what to do.” He leaned in smoldering me with his electric green eyes.

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