Chapter Sixteen > Please, Stay.

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"You look beautiful." Peter exclaims clapping her hands, I look down at my maroon dress that reached just above my knees, I put on a black leather jacket before looking at Peter through the mirror.

"You really think so? It's not to much is it? I mean it's snowing out." I says in a rushed tone, she stood up and reset my curled hairs over my shoulders.

"Anna, you look beautiful. So what if it's snowing out, getting Harry's memory back is all you should be thinking about." She says in a low tone with a smile showing off her dimples.

"Do you think he will?" I whispered walking over to the bed, slowly sitting in the corner looking down at my hands.

"I'm sure he will, you've spent that last few months planning this out. It's finally here and he is too so you better get your shoes on." She starts to laugh while chucking me my black flats, I pull them on as Peter and I make our way down Stairs.

"I don't see why he couldn't of just picked me up from my place." I said, than realised what happened last time. "Oh." I added before the door bell started to ring, my stomach dropped knowing who was behind that door. I took a deep breath before Peter opened the door showing Harry standing there with his hands shoved in his long black trench coat, he wore those skinny jeans that hugs his legs perfectly and the little snow flakes that were resting on his solders.

"You look great." He breaths out with a crooked smile, I look down trying to hide my blush.

"Well you two better leave before I throw up." Peter exclaims pushing me out the door, Harry and I chuckled as he opened the door to his car from me.

"Thank you." I smile taking a seat, he closes the door and I see him jogging around to be finally sitting in the drivers seat.

"So Anna, how did we exactly meet?" He tilted his head as he stopped at a red light.

"Well it was my first day, Your brother Ashton was showing me around the place when I saw you down on the football fields, you sent me a smile and well-"

"The football fields? You don't seem like the type of girl to me down there." He laughed shaking his head. I frowned slightly.

"I'll have you know I'm quite the football fan." I crossed my arms over my chest, he looked at me than laughed once more.

"Who's your favourite team?" He asked trying to hold in his laughter, I looked down.

"Well there's... Um, well I like, uh..." I stuttered scratching the back of my neck.

"I rest my case." He smiled before we finally arrived at the Christmas fair.


"I still can't believe you're eating an ice cream when it's snowing." I shouted over the loud music, he looked back and smiled.

"It tastes good." He shrugs, I let out a laugh before taking a bite of my Cotton Candy. Harry looks down at me with a smirk before pulling off some Cotton Candy and shoving it in his mouth. "Yum." He hums.

"Pig." I mutter, "hey, that ride looks pretty cool." I point at the train that was taking little kids around the fair.

"Are you being serious?" He looks down at me with a serious face, I tilted my head.

"Fine. What ride do you want to go on?" I asked crossing my arms, he taps his foot as he looks around. Finally his face lights up, he points behind me. I turn around to see bumper cars.

"The last time I went on these was for the school fair." He exclaimed as we jumped in line.

"You remember the school fair?" I looked up at him with hopeful eyes, he looks down and smiles at me with a nod.

"You and I were sat in number 10." He says proudly, my jaw dropped.

"You remember, do you remember anything else?" I questioned pulling him out of line.

"Not that I know of no." He shook his head, I ran my fingers through my hair trying to think of something else we did together.

"That's it." I whisper to my self while pulling Harry towards the ferias wheel.

"Really? I'm afraid of heights." He whined as I took a seat in on of the cages, he took a seat in front of me.

"I know, this is what we went on at the school fair. You said to me the you were afraid of heights, and I was quite surprised than you did the whole 'Everyone is afraid of something Anna.'" I mimic him, he looks at me and frowns, his eyes go wide as he raises his Index finger.

"I remember that. Than I took you home." He assured me and I nodded with a childish grin.

"Do you remember what happened after that?"

"Nope." She shook his head, his lips formed a strait line showing his dimples. I looked down and frowned.

Once Harry and I hoped off the ride it began to rain which made everyone in a rush to get home, Harry and I were standing there watching as Sam and her gang looked like headless chickens, I could help but laugh.

"I wanna show you something." I said to Harry taking his hand in my own as I lead him out of the fair, we were currently walking the empty streets of London, the only source of light were the light posts that led us the way.

"May I asked why we're walking the streets of London in the rain?" Harry muttered, I just shrugged.

"Fun I guess." He looked down at me and shook his head.

"You're cute." He chuckled, my head snapped up,

"What?" I rose and eyebrow, he stopped in his tracks and faced me, his hair sticking to his face from the rain.

"You're cute, I mean you're so innocent yet so bitchy at the same time. To be honest I don't know how Ashton put up with you when I was in a coma." He laughed, I just looked at him confused.

"What are you trying to get out?" I asked confused.

"What I'm trying to say is that I won't leave." I tilted my head.

"I don't think I understand."

"You told me to leave Anna, I left and and than ended up in a position that I never want to be in again, so what I'm saying now is that I'm not leaving." His hand cupped my cheek as he planted his lips on mine, I immediately relaxed under his touch, he bit my bottom lip asking for entry, my opened my mouth slightly allowing his tongue to roam my mouth.

"You remembered." I said Resting me forehead against his, he opened his eyes as they looked strait through me.

"Shh." He hushed me, bringing me into another passionate kiss.

This night couldn't of been more perfect, Harry actually remembered. I know I waited what felt like Years but it was worth all this. Kissing him under a lamp post in the rain, I feel like I'm in some sort of movie staring Harry and I.


-Shanae. :) x

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