The zoo?

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Steven was coughing water up I ran over to him"uh Steven are you ok" I say "y/n where are we " Steven said "I don't know " I say then me and Steven look around "DAD!" Steven yelled , as he spotted Greg and ran over to him , i followed Steven . Greg and Steven hugged . Steven looked relieved "Dad! When Blue Diamond took you, I was so scared. And then the Gems said you might be in some horrible human zoo all chained up to a wall doing tricks for peanuts." Steven said "Hey, hey, hey it's okay, schtu-ball. Your old man's perfectly fine. Wait, how'd you and y/n even get out here?" Greg said "Oh well we got on a Gem ship from Earth. I'll tell you about it on the way home. I got separated from the Gems. We got to find them and bust you out of here." Steven said He looked around for a place to get out . I watch him but then I seen these other humans"Ga-reg! Who's that with you? " said the weird human"Are these new friends Ga-ref" the weird lady human said"Wy-Six, Jay-Ten, this is Steven" Greg said "get away from my dad!" Steven said"Hey, Relax. These people have treated me so well since I got here."Greg said . Steven looked at Greg confused "Everyone, this is Steven. He's my son and this is his friend y/n" Greg said me and Steven waved at them they all smile and waved back"These people are the descendants of humans brought here by Gems thousands of years ago. They've never seen the Earth before. Isn't that crazy?"Greg said "Let's get out of here! We came across a door that leads into the zoo, uh but we couldn't open it from the other side. let's find it and try to open it from in here." Steven said"Oh a door? Really? All right. Let's find it tonight. It'll be easier to look for it after the routine."Greg said "what ?" I asked confused but as I did my earrings had lit up and there was a little voice talking"what was that?"Steven said "Ha he does not even know what a little voice is. Just like Ga-reg when he first arrived."Wy-six said "Our little voices guide us through life here." Jay-ten says Steven looks at Greg concerned "Don't worry, Steven. We'll get out of here. But for now, let's just play along."Greg says . So we listen to the voice eat some fruit , swim though I am mostly hesitant and so is Steven to most of these things.

"Geez, I sure am tired from doing a whole lot of nothing. Well, good night " Greg says "no dad we gotta bust out , now is our chance"Steven said. We headed through the bushes until we found it "The door" I said "how do we open it" Greg said then we heard the bush rustling . "Ga-reg"Wy-six said "Stevan , y/n"Jay-ten said the zoomans asked us what we were doing and what a door was"this part of the wall but uh open" Steven said "walls don't open"Wy-six said laughing "There is a story of an opening wall. Avery long time ago, a Gem came through a open wall to help someone who was hurt." Jay-ten said "what is hurt" Wy-six asked, Steven tried to explain what being hurt means before asking Greg to punch him in the face. Greg said Steven should punch him I knew this wouldn't end well . Steven lightly thrown his past Greg's head . Greg told Steven to hit him harder.Greg was punched into the tree but nothing came though the door . Then the voice spoke about the choosening .Wy-six and Jay-ten look excited and tell us to come along with them so we do and the other zoomans are standing around some circles but the children at to the outside so me and Steven say back wary of what was happing . We all soon figure out that it was a weird match making thing Greg tells the zoomans that is this not how it works on earth and how you can chose who ever you want but this backfired as all the zoomans choose Greg he rejects all of them in a nice way . But they were very upset by this it was kinda weird to see but me , Greg and Steven head away from them and go back to the door and it opens we all hide. We watch as the Amethyst guards come in and try to calm the zoomans down . We see the door is open and make a run for it but we were caught by the Amethyst guards "you three are in big trouble " the Amethyst guards say taking us away we were all terrified!

(Hey guys I tried to make this one shorter sorry if you wanted it longer or shorter but I have plans for the next two chapters stay tuned y'all )

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