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I'm in my room,crying. You might be wandering why. Well,I wanna explain everything but it just makes me cry even more. I will keep short,then.


anyeol cheated on me with his ex. Yeah,turns out he has been sleeping in the same bed sheets with her almost every night. I knew all this when I came over to his house and when I was about to knock on his door,I heard sounds. Moans mostly. I know its wrong but I slowly turned the door knob and opened it slightly,I saw her head leaning against the wall. It was an unpleasant sight so I slammed the door and walked home with a quick pace.

I called Chan over since he has been the only one I trusted the most. "Wonnie! A friend came to stop by!" mom announced to me. I wiped my face with my sleeve and walked down quickly. Chan appeared infront of me,I grab his wrist and drag him to my room. He sat on my chair and I sat on my bed.

"So,what happened between the both of you?" He asked. We broke up because I wanted to,now I don't know what to do,the app readed. I started crying more and Chan saw me crying. He walked to the bed and pulled me in to a hug. He brushed his fingers through my hair and his other hand patting my back.

"It's all going to be okay,alright? I'm here for you," he softly whispered with a calming tone. I hugged him back and cried on his shoulders.

When I pulled my head away,his shirt was all wet with tears.

"Wonnie-ah,don't cry anymore,okay? It hurts to see you hurt," he calmed me down again. Pushing a strained of my hair behind my ear. I don't know why but I was flustered when he called me Wonnie.

Chan took a second to look at me and said something. "Wonnie,I want to come to a conclusion about some stuff but I'm not sure if you're ready," he said. I gave him an okay sign.

"I don't know if its obvious but I-I like you,alot," he confessed. So,I was right all along,huehue. Oh,I know,Channie,it readed. He look at me in confusion and then smiled and then look confused again.

"But...do you like...me?" He asked. I shook my head. Although,I kinda do if I think again. "Oh..." he sounds devastated to my answer.

"Then,what if I make you fall for me?" he asked. I furrowed my eye brows and thought it was a good idea....maybe,i don't know. "For 30 days!" he shouted softly. Okay,I'll take that chance,not because I have nothing better to do. I just want to give him a little challenge...if that makes sense.

We talk for a little more in my room. Without realising it,it was dinner. "Wonnie! It's dinner,bring your friend along," my mom called me from the other side of the door between the hall and my room. I walk to the door and opened. My hand swing to the door knob,Chan stood up and bow. He laughed and I moved my mouth to show that I was laughing too.

After dinner,my parents went out to visit my aunt at the hospital. I thought about inviting the others over since its going to be more fun.

Minho arrived first with a huge smile. We look at him in confused. "Guess who's meeting their gay crush next week?" He shouted,putting his phone infront of our faces. I was shooked,really shooked,I did a seal clap and pat his back. Chan walked over and pat Minho's back too.

"Good luck for next week," Chan cheered him.

"But do you know guys wanna know why I'm seeing him?"

"Because you ask him out,"

"No,its just that,I had a friend,Hyunjin,and he was like a little brother to me-"

"CHANGBIN BROUGHT PIZZAS!!" Changbin slammed the door open with 2 boxes of pizza on his hand and Woojin holding another 3 with him.

"Changbin,we don't need your whole gang to come over," Minho said,his voice was a oittle disappointed since he couldn't tell us anything before Changbin went in. We started laughing and I nodded.

"There is no damn similarity between me and the pizza," he explained.

"There is,"


"Your sharp chin,"

Changbin widened his mouth and turned away to grab a piece. He started munching on it,full mouth.

"Now thats just horrible," Woojin complained.

"Shut up," Changbin demanded. I thought it was cute since he was munching on the food like a kid with a huge temper in him.

The whole night was really fun. Minho continuously talk about Jisung to us. Changbin and Chan having an arm wrestling for about an hour. Woojin and I,well,we just talk about our lifes(well,more like him talking and me using the app to talk for me)but it was quite interesting knowing about his whole childhood. His childhood sounds like a whole fantasy where only the weirdest,most fun things exist only inside our creative mind.

But right now,everyone is really quiet. A moment of awkward silence filled the atmosphere before Chan started a conversation.

"Sooooo..." he started.

"What?" Changbin asked,his voice was low because he lose to Chan. lmaO.

"There was a project about....a certain subject-"

"FUCK,I FORGOT ABOUT IT!" Woojin cursed loudly.

There was this project where you need to work in groups of 4-5 and you need to do it all about any topic we chose. The topic needs to be interesting,mysterious and,well,as the professor said,"something that no one even the greatest of the greatest scientist could find out about,"

Woojin was supposed to work on the sketch about our model of the project. Changbin and Minho working on the materials for the model. And Chan and I working on the documents. We already plan out the topic but Woojin haven't started on the sketch. Without the sketch,we won't do the model for the project.

A few minutes ago,my bedroom was filled with total silence. But as to now,its filled with 4 idiots running around the room like someone's a total murderer of some sort. And I'm here,sitting on my bed,looking at them running around lile total children. My eyes squinting multiple times. I was really impatient,waiting for them to sit down again,calm. Without knowing it,I stood up and my hands were clenched together to amke a fist,moved behind me.

"YALL STOP RUNNING AROUND AND PUT YOUR ASSES ON THE DAMN CHAIRS!" I shouted. They were surpised and stopped. Chan stood still and pinted his index finger to me.

"You said something," Chan said,his whole body shaking. The others were surprised as well. I started sweating from my nerve veins shaking. I look down and shook my head. Chan walked towards me and I could see was his feet. He lifted my head up with both his hands and shake his head. "You don't have to be afraid to tell us amything,we are totally trustworthy," he said. "Sorry but could you try saying something...again?" I look up and opened my mouth.

"Chan...Changbin...Minho...and Woojin," I called them. They're eyes widened and run towards me,we did a group hug.

"HAE-WON CAN TALK AGAIN! HAE-WON CAN TALK AGAIN!" they cheered. I smiled and look at each and everyone of their happy faces. We were happy,I was happy,I mean I could talk!

thirty days; bangchan [✓]Where stories live. Discover now