Chapter 21: Explode

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"OMMO!" Seohyun gasped to see Bambam suddenly appeared from out of nowhere and punched Sangmin.

The other customers in that café also shocked to see that sudden drama and they more surprise to see Got7's Bambam is the one who started that chaos.

"Ommo! It's Got7's Bambam, right?"

"Why is he punching that guy?"

"There's the lady there too. Is she his girlfriend?"

"Ommo... ommo... this is real daebak case!"

Everyone already lifted up their handphone and started to record or snap some pictures as that scene is not everyday scene they can look for.

Bambam then pulled Seohyun's hand and walked out from that café leaving Sangmin that still in shocked and flustered of what suddenly happened to him.

"Yah! Where are you taking me?" asked Seohyun but Bambam didn't say anything.

Bambam brought Seohyun to the karaoke place that not far from that café. He just put some cash on the counter before said with serious face, "Keep the change. I just need an empty room."

"Ah... yes. Room 4. Do you need..." the cashier couldn't finish his words when Bambam already left the counter and walked to Room 4 while dragging Seohyun's hands.

He let go off her hand after enter that room. He faced her and Seohyun just realize she never see that angry expression from Bambam before.

"What the hell are you thinking to meet him during office hour?! Is working in the company such a joke for you that you can freely out to date him anytime you like?!" yelled Bambam suddenly.

Seohyun flinched to hear Bambam's yell. He never yells at her and she never even saw Bambam yells at someone before.

"I... I...."

"So now you want to date him? You want to get back to him? You're going to say that you can't forget your love towards your ex-boyfriend?" asked Bambam.

"I never said so!" said Seohyun. "I was..."

Bambam smirked, "Stop it Park Seohyun. You do have some hidden motive, right? After you got what you want then you want to leave me. Why? Are you boring to live with an idol now so that's why you're searching for the next victim?"

Seohyun suddenly slapped Bambam. Bambam holds his cheek that getting sting and looked at Seohyun. He flinched to see Seohyun's tears fall down across her cheeks while she's grinding her teeth holding her anger.

"Am I that low in your eyes? Do you just see me as a poor dirty stray cat that begging for food to you? AM I DISGUST YOU TO THAT EXTENT?!" yelled Seohyun.

Bambam loss his words. He just realize that he already cross the line from what he said.

"I... I don't..." Bambam then stopped when his phone ringing.

He looks at his pocket before look again to Seohyun as he's getting confuse whether he should ignore the call or not at that moment. However Seohyun then turned her head to wipe her tears that make Bambam pretending not to see it and took out his phone. His manager is calling him.

"Hello? Yes, hyung. What?!"

Bambam looked at Seohyun and Seohyun that just turned her head again to Bambam also looked back at him. From Bambam's voice she knew something bad just happened...


BAMBAM and Seohyun lowered their head after they saw the footage JYP showed to them. The video Bambam punched Sangmin and pulled Seohyun's hand already being viral all over the world in just less than one hour.

"There's a lot of other videos from different angle and in that every video both of you guys face really show up clearly. Do you want to see it? I got the videos from every angle. You can choose one," said JYP coldly.

"I'm... I'm sorry PD-nim."

"I really don't bother with you guys' love life but as long as you just put it in the very deepest part of the world. You not just expose your love life but also you're being violence by punching that guy. Why you punched him? Because he's flirting on your girlfriend? Huh?!" asked JYP with his rising voice.

Seohyun glanced at Bambam that looks in the pressure. Seohyun lifted her head and facing JYP, "This is not what you think! Me and Bambam..."

Bambam suddenly holds her hand causing Seohyun to shock.

"Yes. I admit that I lose my mind at that time when I see a man holding to the girl I love. This is all my mistake. I'm willing to get any punishment for this," said Bambam.

JYP smirked, "Are you thinking it's going to be that simple? The guy that you punched might sue you and this is going to damage not only your reputation but also Got7's and this company reputation!"

"I'm sorry..." Bambam really has nothing else he could say instead of sorry.

JYP sighed, "We need to wait for the other directors and other team leaders to come and we'll discuss what we're going to..."

Suddenly Seohyun's phone ringing that make JYP looked at her with disbelief look. Seohyun quickly took out her phone but her eyes turned wider to see the caller. She just remembered that she supposed to fetch Hyunmin at that time.

"Sorry... I need to take... this... call..." stuttered Seohyun.

JYP that looks annoyed signaling them to get out from his room, "Just get out now and after 15 minutes we're going to start the emergency meeting!"

Seohyun and Bambam both bowed down before they left the room. Seohyun quickly answered the call, "Hello? Ah yeah... I'm sorry that I might be a little late to fetch my son. Oh, is that so...? Well... urmm... can I call you back later? I need to discuss something real quick. Thank you..."

"It's time to fetch Hyunmin?" asked Bambam.

Seohyun glared at Bambam, "You don't even know what time I always fetch him."

Bambam gulped. He knows Seohyun still angry to him of what happened earlier, "So what should we do now? We need to enter that meeting. We cannot..."


Bambam turned his head and saw Mark ran towards them with another staff that they closed with from marketing team, Seo Minhyun.

p/s : If you guys read my fanfiction "FATE", you guys will know who is this Seo Minhyun ;D

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