Chapter 1 Im an EVO

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Chapter 1 I'm an EVO

Mari's POV
My name is Mari and I'm a EVO which is what were called because were past human evolution. Were even hunted to be tested on so they can find a cure that's why we're hiding in a sub way. There's only seven us not a lot prime tech has millions of people working to take us in. I was actually the person who found the place we stay at. It's a abandon sub why it's totally vacant I have the ability to make portal's basically I throw two portal's I go through and come out the other. I found my power running from cops I had to steal stuff for my little brother since we had an abusive father. (Flash back) I woke up to the sound of loud screaming. I was alert "hey you have to buy this channel do you pay these bills" my father yelled which continued bye a Smacked. I herd running toward my room "Mari he hit me again" he cried hugging me. I could feel his tears on my shoulder "why do we have to stay here why can't we go with mom" he cried he didn't know mom died and that's why are father act like this maybe he was just stuck in his anger stage of grief. We stopped hugging "We can't go to were mom is" I told "why" he questioned "because she's to far but what do you say we get ice cream after school" I answered his face lite up. I picked him up after school and we walked home eating ice cream. Ever since my dad went crazy I had to take care of Ren. Later that night I dressed in dark cloths and escaped the bathroom window. I had a job but that went to rent food and bills so me and Ren had no money for Medicean so I would steal stuff that he needed. I walked in wall mart grabbed Advil and cough Medicean and ran out the door but stupid me chose wall mart the store with flying hover boards and other future tech. the cops were there casing me in flying cop cars there were regular cars but flying cars went faster and stopped traffic but they only went two feet off the ground. I jumped a gate and ran but I was cornered I put my hand up and there was a portal I ran through it and u was some were in the japan subway station I walked home thing about how I did that. I then got home and found my father drinking alcohol "hey I don't work all they for you to spend it on Booz" I yelled in Japanese he got up smacked me then kicked me to the ground he poured alcohol on me busted it and threatened to stab me "this will teach you not to raise your voice at me you little B****" he argued back in Japanese I raised my hand and portal came up and he was gone. It gave me enough time to get my brother into a adoption home then I went to LA it was far from japan. (Flash back) I still havnt seen my little brother since that day.

Felix's POV
My name is Felix and I'm a EVO I once had a life with parents friends a girl friend but that all ended one day my ability is basically fire bending. (Flash back) I was in LA one day walking home from school when these people in a black van followed me then I ran into a ally way then they raised a gun I put my hand up to stop them and BAM a fire ball shot out of my hand then more cars pulled up a purple portal appeared a hand came out and pulled me in I was on a roof top next to a Asian girl in a bat man T with brown hair "hi I'm Felix" he stated "Mari nice to meet you c'mon quick before more come" she told I followed her to a sub way station "hi can I ask why you called me here I have to get to a party tonight" he asked "look one thing you can go home but they'll hunt you and family or stay down here and keep them safe" She stated "what do you mean who those guys they don't know where I live" I reminded "they have you on a grid but once you step in here your out of the system" she told "so I can't see my family" i yelled "it's for the best but go ahead walk away but your harming your family" She told "so why can't they find you" I asked I pulled up my wrist "give me one" he told I handed him one "thanks now why can't I just leave" I stated. She rolled her eyes "it gets you out of there radar not there sight they can still see you" she told. (Flash back) from that day foreword me and Mari found EVOS and showed them how to use there powers.

Anthony's POV
My name is Anthony and I'm a EVO so is my friend Ian he helped me find my ability it's to take other peoples powers basically any EVO I touch I get there ability. (Flash back) I had the life of a popular kid Ian on the other hand was the out cast we were friends in middle school but I tried for foot ball and now I'm a MVP in my high school. I was in the lunch room with the guys when one had a plan to give Ian a swirly I didn't exactly want to but I wouldn't be popular or have a cheerleader girl friend so I went along with it. I grabbed his ankles while the others dunked. I touched his leg and I felt a tingle we put him down then after school I was late so I ran home I ran really fast like un human there was wired black van but I ignored it. I was scared of my self that night was the big game. After it ended there was the black truck from earlier. Three people came out a guy with glasses a girl with blond hair and a guy with orange hair they locked the same age as me. came out and aimed guns at me. when out of no were a wind came toward me and before I knew it I was in a sub way with a Asian girl and a blond guy. I was scared "h hey Ian what is this place" I asked scared "some where safe from those people out there" he responded "what do you mean who are they" I asked "bad people here" he told giving me a bracelet "what is that" I questioned "it'll help you to not be detected" he answered "who are they" I asked "the only friends I got now one rule down here don't go up top to much it'll attract attention" he reminded "wait so I can't say bye if I'm gonna stay here for ever" I yelled "hey hey calm down it's for the best your keeping your family safe" the Asian girl told "yah dude if they new they wouldn't let you stay here" the other blond guy reminded. (flash back) ever since then I stayed here and became there leader of are group we were kind of like the xmen but real and we don't have that many people.

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