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The car ride was silent, besides the soft patter of rain from outside the car. Lights reflect off of the water distorting the view from outside, cars fly past leaving lines of red. Constantly scanning everything that changed outside of the window, scanning people and buildings, something to let you do something.

Noticing a lot of androids walking around the place, gathering things. Some carrying bags and an umbrella for their humans. Standing in line for the bus to pick them up, today society it was a utopia for the rich.

Feeling the car turn down a road, smoothly, you look to the front of the car. Scanning the area, your GPS tells you that you've arrived at your destination. The Ravendale District. Police officers were already on the scene, their lights flashing from red and blue, with a little white in the middle flashing.

Turning to the side of the road, the lieutenant parks the car, taking the keys out, the cars once hum in its engines dies out. Leaving the sound of noisy rain drops outside to replace the alive sound of the machine.

Connor gets out of the car first, one of the other officers walks up to the Lieutenant.

"We've got officers sweeping the neighborhood, in case anybody saw anything." Getting out of the car, you stand next to Connor by the car, awaiting instructions or any clues on the deviant.

"Okay. We'll let me know if they turn anything up." The lieutenant replies, staring down at the ground. Rain drenching his clothing, his gray hair clinging to his face, water droplets falling from his untrimmed beard.

"What are you gonna do with those?" The officer glances over at the two androids by the car, making the lieutenant stare at the two of you.

"I have no idea..." grumbling he walks towards the store that was behind them, Connor's LED flashes as it downloads new data. You do the same, checking the cameras that were on the streets that night.

"It took the first bus that came along..." Connor spoke, stating its data.

"And stayed at the end of the line." You continued, glancing towards Connor then back at the lieutenant who was listening.

"It's decision wasn't planned, it was driven out of fear." The lieutenant scoffs at Connor's last fact.

"Androids don't feel fear." The lieutenant stated, his chest proudly out. Along with his beer gut.

"Deviants do." Connor pointed out. "They get overwhelmed by their emotions and make irrational decisions."

The Lieutenant shifts a bit, nodding at the information he was given by the android standing beside you.

"Ah, well that doesn't tell me where it went." Crossing his arms, the lieutenant leans a bit backwards, waiting for an explanation.

"It didn't have a plan, and it had nowhere to go." Connor looks to the side for a moment.

"Maybe it didn't go far." You pointed out, Connor glances at you nodding. The lieutenant stares at the two of you, slightly nodding.

"Maybe..." Lieutenant Anderson paces a bit more outside the store, with the hologram file in his hand. Walking back to another police officer he hands the file back, placing his hands in his pockets, raindrops bouncing off of his shoulders.

Scanning the area, you notice a house surrounded by a fence. It was all boarded up. Seeing a blue dot, you make your way over to the house. The lieutenant scoffs for a moment, Connor follows until it notices as well. Rushing up to the cut fence, looking at the old home, Connor practically bouncing to capture another android.

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