chapter 1; henry bowers

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Stans POV
"shit!" eddie rubbed his knee after falling, the bowers gang just crowded around us "fuck you henry!" beverly yelled "y-y-yeah henry!" bill stuttered out "come on guys l-l-let's go." henry snickered before running off with his friends, mike helped eddie up "you alright?" he looked at eddie's knee which was scraped pretty badly "yeah im fine" eddie smiled "i fucking hate, bowers" richie adjusted his glasses "w-w-we all do, r-rich" bill sighed "i gotta go, my moms gonna kill me." eddie looked at his watch "alright. see ya eds!" richie yelled to eddie as he ran off "i gotta go home too." i sighed grabbing my bag off the ground, running off.

"god damn it!" i yelled looking at my bedside clock, i was an hour late for school. i quickly got up brushing my teeth, fixing my hair and putting on a clean-enough outfit. i ran out the door and quickly hopped on my bike.

"where were you?" richie closed his locker laughing at how late i was "i was sleeping." i sighed putting all my books in my locker "have you seen the new girl?" richie leaned against my locker "no?" i closed my locker door "she's hot" richie winked "shut up. you think everyone is hot, including eddie." i grinned walking off to the bathroom "how do you-" i cut him off "it's so obvious, richie." i rolled my eyes giggling "shut up" richie hit me on the arm "ow" i sarcastically rubbed my arm

i sat down at my next class, which richie was in.. of course richie had to be in it. "class," the teacher started the class "we have a new student joining us!" she smiled joyfully, i just kept looking at my journal which i was sketching a bird at the time. "everyone, this is y/n y/l/n" the teacher pointed to a girl, i looked up from my book to look at her, she was stunning. her wavy h/c hair and her deep e/c eyes were absolutely gorgeous, i couldn't help but stare "hi" her soft voice spoke up "why don't you sit down in the middle of richie tozier and stanley uris" the teacher pointed to richie then to me, causing me to blush, she came over and sat in the middle of us, smiling that beautiful smile. i caught myself staring at her every now and then, she was just so gorgeous.

third person POV (idk)
you got to sit next to a boy with black hair and thick glasses and another boy with golden brown curls and the cutest brown eyes, you felt a hand on your right touch your hand, you looked down to see the boy with glasses handing you a note. you grabbed it and swiftly took a glance at the message, it read  'meet me in the cafeteria xo' you giggled putting the note in your pocket and nodded to the boy.

later at lunch you were looking around until you spotted him, you sat as his table "ah! everyone, this is y/n. she's new" richie smiled "im beverly, you can call me bev." a girl with orange hair smiled "eddie" a smaller boy with a fanny pack waved, you smiled at him "this is ben, mike, bill and stanley" richie pointed to each one "nice to meet you all." you giggled "we were gonna go to my house for a sleepover after school, we were wondering if you wanted to join?" beverly the only girl at the table spoke up "sure" you shrugged while smiling

the next morning

"alright bye mom" you smiled, rubbing outside jumping on your bike. you were going to bev's house today, you were happy you made friends so quickly.

you arrived at the house, you knocked on the door and were welcomed by stanley "oh hey" he smiled "y/n's here!" stanley looked back at yelled to the rest of the losers, you giggled and walked inside to see them sitting in a circle in the living room "so what is this? a cult?" you put your bags on the dining table "no!" beverly giggled "we're playing truth or dare. it was richie's idea" she sighed "sit" eddie patted an open area next to him, you smiled and sat next to him, stan was sitting next to mike and ben. "alright, richie. truth or dare?" stanley sighed "dare. im not a pussy." he snickered, causing stanley to smirk "kiss eddie." stan continued, causing eddie's eyes to widen "um.." richie cleared his throat "o-okay" richie leaned in to eddie and kissed him, eddie hesitated a bit before kissing back "aww" beverly giggled "shut up!" eddie threw his inhaler at beverly "i have a g-g-great idea!" bill stood up, running to the kitchen. stanley raised an eyebrow before bill came back with a bottle and placed it on the ground "s-s-spin the b-b-bottle" he giggled, sitting back down. "im down" you smiled "w-why not" stanley blushed "y/n spins first." beverly looked at you "ok" you shrugged, spinning the bottle, it landed on richie. stanley looked away singing "oh well." you giggled, kissing richie, him kissing back. "wow, she kissed tozier! she'll really kiss anyone!" ben teased, richie flipped him off. "stan, y-y-you go" bill looked at stan "why not" stanley mumbled spinning the bottle, it landed on... you. you blushed but quickly stopped, it meant nothing. it was just a game. right? you scooted closer to stanley and just.. kissed him, his soft lips against yours was a feeling you never wanted to end. you wrapped your arms around his neck as he pulled you closer, you two were now chest-to-chest "get a room!" richie yelled, causing everyone to laugh. "shut up tozier." stanley blushed, you went back to your original seat.

"why would she go TOWARDS the killer?" richie yelled at the tv "it's a horror movie, that's why." you giggled taking a piece of popcorn from the bowl everyone was sharing "yeah but.. common sense!" richie sighed "she's not gonna die though." stanley sighed sitting in a criss-cross apple sauce position. "how do you know that?" richie turned around to look at stanley considering richie was on the floor "because..." stanley looked at you "it's a horror movie!" you and stanley said in unison causing everyone to giggle a little.

the movie finally had ended, you could feel your eyelids getting heavier by the second. you laid in your sleeping bag, falling asleep as fast as you could "stan" richie whispered "hm?" stan replied "i need to talk to you alone." richie got up and walked outside, stanley following him "what's up?" stanley shivered, it was freezing outside "you're acting different." richie crossed his arms "what are you talking about?" stanley raised an eyebrow "there's been no sarcastic comments since we met y/n. you're always making fun of me or calling me a dumbass. but since yesterday, you've done nothing!" richie looked around "alright, you're a dumbass. there! happy?" stanley snapped, richie rolled his eyes "it's freezing rich, can we talk tomorrow?" stanley sighed "yeah fine." richie walked back inside, stanley following again. richie laid in his sleeping bag, stanley did as well. "night, stan" richie sighed "goodnight, trashmouth" stanley giggled to himself, slowly drifting off to sleep

[a/n] i hope you like this! it took awhile because im lazy as hell but part2 coming soon! 🥺❤️

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