Chapter 1: Akio

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I walk around the cold dark streets of City N. I was a little girl living alone because I decided to wander too far from my parents while they were shopping. I never saw them again and I didn't know where my house was. I had quickly learned to fend for myself. It was interesting going from someone completely innocent to someone who could pickpocket without someone noticing. "Hello. What's a little girl like you doing out on a cold dark night like this?" A dark male voice says from behind me. I quickly turn around, coming face to face with a man on his knees. The man was dressed in a dark suit and fedora. He had a red tie and was holding onto a cane with some sort of large gem on the end. "Tell me little girl, where are your parents?" He asks. "I-I don't know..." I whisper in a small voice, backing up slightly. Something was off about this guy. "What's your name little one?" "Eri..." "How old are you?" "5..." I was unsure how I felt with him asking all these questions. "Well, why don't you come with me. I'll give you a home." He smiles, causing me to get chills. It wasn't a kind a reassuring smile. It was a dark and sinister smile, like he was planning something. "N-No thank you... I'll find my way back..." I tell him. "That wasn't a request little one." Before I could react, the man grabs my arm and begins to drag me away. "No! Let me go! Someone help, please!" I shout uselessly. Everyone was asleep. No one was coming. "You're a real annoying brat aren't you?" The man growls and hits me over the head with his cane, knocking me out.

I sat in my cell, thinking back to that horrible day. 13 years had gone by... 13 years horrible. Had it really been that long? I was now 18 and had figured out the man who had kidnapped me is named Mr. Akio. I never learned his first name. When I was kidnapped, the man had used me as an experimental guinea pig in his multi-million dollar lab. The only way I figured out his name was when he and his stooges walked passed my cell. God the stooges voices are annoying! More coffee Mr. Akio? Can I get you anything else Mr. Akio? Do you want your coat Mr. Akio? Glass of water Mr. Akio? It was so irritating! I wanted nothing more than to rip their vocal cords out and feed it to them. I glance out my cell, which had glass to keep me in rather than bars. Mr. Akio was standing on the other side, watching me. I narrow my eyes in hatred at him. "Did you sleep well Eri? You looked uncomfortable all night." He asks through the speaker. I didn't respond. I almost never responded when he talked to me. He stared at me for a few more moments before putting his hand on a scanner, which caused the glass door to slide open. He then stepped in and the glass door closed behind him. "You dare step into a monsters cell unarmed?" I growl at him. For the past 13 years, Mr. Akio and his goons have performed experiments on me, trying to merge human and monster DNA to create a hybrid. I was the only one of many that had succeeded, and that's only because Mr. Akio refused to let me die. When it came to me, failure wasn't an option. He was obsessed with making me 'perfect', even if it meant torturing me till I screamed for 15 hours a day. I couldn't think of what was so special about me other then I was his first experiment. There have been many many more after me, but I was the first. The original if you will. I was the only success "You're no monster." Akio states quietly. "I have made you into something beautiful." "You made me inhuman." I growl. "To be human is boring darling. You're the first of something extraordinary. The start of a new generation." He kneels next to me. "You're perfect." I was far from perfect. I was a monster. I had two gnarly horns growing from my head, a long tail that sliced through the air like a cats. My eyes were a bright and solid shade of emerald green. My pupils were slit like a cats. I had the ability to heal quickly along with superhuman reflexes, smelling and strength. The worst part about my monster side was the craving of flesh. In order for me to remain... well... me, I would need to consume either human or monster flesh. Akio would provide me with monster organs, which always did the trick. But even with my superhuman abilities, I was never able to over power Akio or his goons. "I clearly don't see what you see." I spit at him. He chuckles, letting his head hang slightly. "You will in time darling. You will in time. You and your brothers and sisters will quickly rule the world, clearing it of the scum that have slowly been killing our beloved planet." He gently pets my head, examining my monster features. I knew better than to attack. I have tried before, and the results are still scared on my body. He gently ran his hands up my horns, gently twisting my tails, careful as to not hurt me. He may have left scars on me, but I have returned the favor whenever he hurt me. I simply stay still, staring straight ahead, trying to ignore his hands wondering about my body. "You truly are a masterpiece." He mutters under his breath. After he was done, he stands and walks out of my cell, leaving me alone with my thoughts. Not that my thoughts were much better than he was. He physically tortured me, my thoughts mentally tortured me. I would never get to feel what a normal person felt. I didn't know what emotions felt like. I didn't know love or happiness. Is it too much to ask for someone to give me even a little bit of love? A little bit of human compassion? To make me feel... wanted? I My whole life, all I knew was pain and suffering, and it showed no signs of stopping. Not any time soon. I rolled onto my side, my back facing the front of my cell as the lights in the lab slowly dimmed. It was the end of yet another day. Every kid around the world was getting tucked into their warm and comfortable beds, getting loving kisses from their mother and father while being told that they're loved... while I'm here, crying alone in a dark cell. Begging for someone to show me love, and for me to love them back. For someone to love me.

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