Chapter 9: So... This Is Love

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A/N: Last chapter! ;( I really enjoyed writing this book and hope you all enjoyed it too!

'Is this death? If so, why is it so empty? Why can't I move?' I ask myself. I couldn't see anything. I couldn't move. All I could do was breath. In. Out. In. Out. I attempted to move, only to find I was completely stuck. 'What happened?' Genos flashes across my mind. Then the fight with Akio. I couldn't help but feel joy in knowing he was dead. Then my joy was replaced by sadness when I realized I would never see Genos again. Suddenly, there was a noise. It may have been faint, but it was there. A small beeping sound. It had a rhythm to it. Beep. Beep. Beep. It was nice, knowing there was some form of sound wherever I am. I smile slightly as I listen to the rhythmic beeping. Then, a voice. "How is she Dr. Kuseno?" It was Genos. I went to speak, only to have no sound come out. "She's fine Genos. All of her vitals are holding steady. She just may be in this coma for a few days to a few months." An older person that I recognized to be the voice of Dr. Kuseno states. "May I have a moment with her?" Genos whispers after a moment of silence. "Of course Genos." There were sounds of a shuffle then silence. 'So...' I think. 'I'm in a coma...' A surge of joy rushes through me. I wasn't dead. I could see Genos again.

I sat down next to Eri's limp body, a wave of guilt and despair drowning me. "This is all my fault..." I whisper. I gently take her small, frail hand in mine, tears filling my eyes yet again. "Eri, I'm so sorry... If I had tried harder to kill Akio, you wouldn't be here... You would have almost..." My words got caught in my throat as I fought back more tears. I take a deep breath, calming myself down slightly. "I just don't want to lose you. You've grown too important to me. I've never felt so close to someone." I gently kiss her limp hand. "I've never loved someone like this..." Her heart monitor suddenly began to beep louder and faster, her heart rate increasing as a faint smile appears on her lips. I smile, knowing she had heard me.

It had been a few weeks now since Eri slipped into her coma. I came by everyday with flowers to put in a vase Dr. Kuseno had set beside her bed.. I came down to the lab to visit Eri, a bouquet of flowers in my hand. I open the front door to the lab, immediately spotting Dr. Kuseno tinkering away at a new exoskeleton for me. "Good morning doctor." I state, walking in. He looks over at me and smiles. "Hello Genos. More flowers for your girl?" I nod. "How is she?" "She should be waking up soon. All of her signs are completely normal again. I couldn't help but smile hearing this. I couldn't wait to see her again. I walk back into the lab, dropping the bouquet at the sight before me. Eri was sitting on the edge of her bed, looking down at the ground. She looks up at me and smiles. "Oh, I was wrong." Dr. Kuseno smirks. "She woke up this morning." I narrow my eyes at him, earning a small chuckle as I close the door. I turn back to Eri, who was attempting to stand. She wobbles a bit before almost falling over. I run over and catch her. "You're not ready to walk yet." I whisper, laying her down. "Thank you Genos." She whispers. "Don't thank me, I merely caug..." "That's not what I'm saying." I look down at her, noticing the small blush on her face and understanding what she was saying. I gently leaned down and kissed her, slowly and passionately. She wraps an arm around my neck and kisses me back the same way. After a few minutes of pure heaven, I pull away, hovering just inches away from her as we both panted softly. "Once you're healed, we'll go back to my apartment. We can live together. You don't have to hide in fear anymore." I whisper to her softly. She smiles, tears filling her eyes. "That sounds... perfect. But there is something I don't understand." She whispers. "What is that?" I ask, looking at her. "I was injected with a serum that should have killed me... How am I alive?" I let out a soft sigh. "After you slowly slipped away, I realized I had a chance to save you. Seeing as you were injected through your tongue, the serum would have to travel through your digestive tract in order to reach your bloodstream. It was a bit gory, but I reached down your throat and ripped out your digestive tract. Seeing as you were still half monster and the serum didn't get to spread, you're restoration abilities regrew it immediately. After, I brought you here to Dr. Kuseno's lab to see if there were any problems." I explain to her. She nods. "Then why did I slip into a coma?" "We're not sure about that, but we assume it had something to do with shock." She giggles slightly and wraps her arms around my neck. "Well, all that matters is I'm back." I smile softly and kiss her again.

It has been a crazy couple of months. After Dr. Kuseno, who was extremely nice to me throughout my visit, had allowed me to leave, Genos had helped me move into his apartment. We didn't have to do much seeing as I didn't own a lot. I donated most of the thousands of dollars I had stolen to charity, to help the children in need. Guess you could say I became like Robin Hood, with 'stealing from the rich and giving to the needy'. The only things I left behind in my old apartment were my hat, because I no longer needed to hide who I was, and my bed. Genos forced me to share a bed with him, which we shared a passionate and magical night on the night I had moved in. Saitama, the owner of the apartment, became one of my best friends very quickly. My apartment is still mine, but I only used it for a get away when I need to be alone. It was my little hideaway. I had took Genos' advice and tried to apply for the Hero Association, but they were skeptical about me being half monster. It took a few days, but Genos managed to convince the Hero Association to allow me to become a hero. I was class A, bottom rank, but I loved helping those in trouble. There were a few issues with Genos' fanbase after they found out we were dating. They keep threatening to hurt me because I 'stole' their boyfriend from them, but we mostly ignore them. And, as I had thought, I have horrible nightmares of waking up back in that god forsaken lab with Mr. Akio hovering over me, all of this amazing experience being a dream. Of course, when I woke up, I was in the embrace of my loving cyborg boyfriend. The Slasher 'mysteriously' disappeared, causing peace to fall over the cities. It was now about four months later and I was sitting in the window seal of our apartment, taking a sip of the hot tea in my hands as the sun began to rise over the beautiful mountain range. Genos walked out of our room, still a bit sleepy judging by him rubbing his eyes. He walks over to me with a smile, giving me a small kiss on the cheek while gently placing a hand on the small baby bump on my stomach, which held our future daughter, Kira. I giggle as he walks into the kitchen to cook breakfast. I glance out the window, taking another sip from my cup as a delicious smell filled the air. 'So...' I think to myself with a small smile. 'This is love.'

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