Spin the bottle pt.1

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Riley's POV

Lust/ləst/noun1.very strong sexual desire."He knew that his lust for her had returned,"

Walking down the worn halls of hell, or shall I say school I made sure to keep my head down not wanting to attract any unwanted attention. I was what you would call someone like me, a 'Loner', I only hung out with a selected few, well more like they hung out with me who knows. I had a small group of friends that I hung out with every day. Gemma the mom of the group, smart, beautiful, and sweet as can be but a scary demon when tested. Star, the spitfire of the group, rebellious, sarcastic, persistent, but caring and very protective of her friends. Blake, the muscle of the group, Gemma's boyfriend, and the coolest, nicest, and most understanding guy ever, he was the one you went to where in desperate need of help.

Josh, the mute of the group, Quiet, Smart, an amazing cook, and surprisingly someone who was really good to vent to. Last but not least Peter, the heart of the group, to be honest, we were what kept us together, his shy but caring personality, with a heart made from gold, and a stomach as a black hole hehe. Yes, you guessed it correctly I am the Loner of the group and that's all your getting weirdo.

They were pretty much my family, aside from my mother of course. But as the loner I was, who loved to try and stay in the shadows by myself, I was always bothered. For some reason, people found sick satisfaction in bothering me and bringing negative attention my way.

"RILEY!!" A familiar loud voice screeched in my ear making me yelp, turning around in time I was met with Star jumping directly on me, doing my best to keep us up, it only takes one quick glance around to see others staring at us making me drop the curly-haired blond. Correct again! This little shithead here was another reason so much attention was brought to me,

"Was that seriously necessary?" I ask Star as she stands glaring at me before huffing, taking another shy glimpse around I to see people going back to their own lives making me smile happily as I turned my attention back to Star.

"Of course it was you, idiot!" Star exclaims as she flings her arm over my shoulders, smiling I just shake my head before walking to my locker. "Ok so tonight you're going to a party with me and the crew," Star says as i reach my locker and unlock it.

"No, I'm not," I say as she giving me a small laugh.

"Be at my house by 7:30," Star says as she walks off to her next bell most likely, rolling my eyes I groan before grabbing the book I was looking for before closing my locker. Unlike most of the boys at this school, I wasn't a party guy like Star would like me to be, multiple times she had asked me why and this is always my reason.

1. Getting drunk makes you vulnerable to do dumb things

2. I hate the idea of a whole bunch of uncontrolled drunk people

3. Im not a party animal

4. I hate others!

5. Im kinda a lightweight

Wandering to my classroom I quietly walk in and quickly make my way to my seat in the back, right beside the window which gave me a nice view of the food ball field if you know what I mean. Making sure to avoid contact with anyone I sigh happily as my cheeks touch the rough surface of my seat, setting my things down in my desk, I make sure I put on my hoodie before turning my attention to the window. Staring at the beautiful tree's that swayed peacefully in the winds force, at times I wish I could be out there than stuck in here.

As if God had praised me the football team all came outside and onto the field where I had clear views of all of them.


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