I'm scared, Denki

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Check the song, mah dudes^
I’ve been walking for a bit now. Only slightly coming to my senses to sniff or wipe the steady stream of tears. I was trying to calm my scent down. I then thought about where I would go. Should I go to Uraraka’s? No. How embarrassing it would be to go tell her what happened today. (Flash back: Me and Uraraka just left a cute coffee shop. I was smiling and I sipped my hot cocoa. She was laughing at my gasp as it was still hot. I glared at her playfully and said, “Not funny.” She laughed even harder and then wheezed “I can tell you’ve been with Katsuki too much.” She then calmed herself and said, “So how are you and Katsuki?” I instantly replied with soft cute things that happened, then the thing that was hurting the most, “Our two year anaversery is in two days!” I saw her face sofen and then she side hugged me and said “I’m so happy for you, Izuku!” end of flashback) I was taken out of my flash back by the steady sobs escaping my mouth and shaking my body. I then went to a bench and sat down and put my face in my arms as I tried to calm down. A headache pounding in my head. All that time. Gone. Over, just like that. I then pulled my phone out the only thing I had on me, that I took with me. I opened my phone and looked at 7 missed calls from Kacchan- I mean Katsuki, and 5 messages. I ignored them and looked through my contacts. I saw Denki’s number. He would let me come over right? I clicked on his contact and it started ringing. It was like 11:00 at night. I rang for a bit. I sighed thinking he wouldn’t answer, then I heard “Izuku? It’s.. 11 at night?” I was so overwhelmed with gratefulness that he answered. “I-I need your help..” I was choking on my words trying not to cry to much. I heard his worried voice say “Izuku? Are you okay?!” I could just sob into the phone not able to breathe or even say anything. I then heard him say “Okay. Hang on alright? I’m going to use your location. Stay safe.” He then hung up. I let my hand drop from my face and I heard my gasp for air. I been sitting there with my knees pulled up to my chest and my arms around them. I had my head laying on it. I saw a car pull up. I lifted my head and saw Denki get out of his car and run to me, worry plastered all over his face. He came and hugged me and said, over and over, “It’s okay, I'm here for you.” I just hugged him back and managed to say “T-Thank you..” he nodded and said “Does Kacchan know where you are? You want me to call him? He must be worried-” I shook my head and said “He wouldn’t care..*hic* He hates me.. I’m not good enough for him, Denki. I-I’m not good enough!” I felt Denki just shake his head as he said “Yes you are, your good enough Izuku. Now let me take you back to my place and we’ll talk about it okay?” I just nodded wiping tears off my face. I felt him pick me up. I buried my face into his chest. He sat in the passenger seat. He then went to his side and drove off. I don’t know when we got to his house because everything started to droop and then went black. 

I woke up with light in my eyes. I grumbled and rolled over, only to yelp in surprise. Denki was passed out next to me. He had one arm over his head and his face was facing away from me. I scooted back a little bit. I was offly close. I then sat up and thought about why I was here.. Then it hit me. I felt tears come to my eyes. I wiped my eyes and then I felt and heard Denki moving. I looked over and he was sitting up. He looked so tired it was sad. I frowned and then said quietly “Sorry..” He just shook his head and smiled as he said “No, it fine. This is like.. A daily thing for me.. Haha” I just sat there, wanting to forget everything. Then I heard Denki say, “So, about last night..” I felt my tears fall from my eyes as I said “Kacchan.. He cheated on me.” I stared at my hands. I could see Denki’s mouth hanging open. He then shook his head as he said, “That doesn't make any sense. Katsuki is crazy about you?.. There must be a reason.” I then just said “No, Denki. You don’t understand. He cheated with Kirishima.” I saw Denki freeze. He then got up and started walking around as he said, “No. Kirihima wouldn’t cheat on me. He told me last night that Katsuki was upset and he would be back when he calmed him down, that y-you were there..” I just sighed and thought, ‘So he did call Kirishima..’ but I ignored it and said, “I’m so sorry, Denki.” Now it was my turn to comfort Denki. Kirishima and Denki had a rare relationship. They were both alpha’s. I stood up and hugged him. He hugged back and tried to stop crying. He was also the only alpha I trusted besides Kacchan by myself. My omega instincts kicked in and I had an overwhelming desire to comfort and help. So I nuzzled under his chin and whimpered. I felt his embrace get tighter as he calmed down. He then let go and he said “I can’t wait till he comes back.” but he had venom in his voice. I then looked like I was going to be sick. I saw Denki look at me and he said “Don’t worry. I won’t let him hurt you..?” I shook my head, I wasn’t worried about him hurting me. I was worried about how I would react if I did see him. He hurt me as much as Kacchan. Kirishima was one of my best friends. I just shook my head and said “I’m not worried about that. I’m just worried about how I will react.” Denki nodded and then said “To be completely honest, me either.” Then he went and sat on the bed. I came and sat beside him. “I’m scared, Denki.”

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