surprise pt. 2

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" who's Dumbledore?" tony asked pretty sure his wife was having a mental break again. " he is a very bad man who wants Lily and harry dead." Pepper stated very panicked. Tony worried for his nephew, Tony as very excited to be an uncle, so naturally he was worried, and lily was not that bad on the eyes, His immature part thought remembering what happened 2 months before he even meet pepper. "well lets go get them!" Tony stated in a hurry already booking a flight to London. " Y-yeah lets do that." pepper said, stuttering slightly, she wasn't worried about where the potters lived because lily told her before making Sirius the secret keeper.

(Time Skip: Godrics Hollow)

When they got there the house was a mess nothing of the orginal house was left only a baby boy crying for his mother. Pepper immediately ran twords the baby , picking him up like he was a doll about to be shattered by a toddler. " Tony what are we going to do?"
" I don't know pep."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2020 ⏰

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