"The Magic of the Sea"

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The salt water against her lips and water flowing through her air, she swam. Up above the water and lying on a rock, she sang angelically across the sea. Dinglehopper in hand, Opal, the mermaid of Neptune, brushes her hair. The storms of her father Neptune are enraged as Opal refuses to return home to the cove. Lighting strikes and birds scream. The waves rush forward like a triathlete hoping to win a race. Opal covers her face in her hands and sweeps salt water on her magical body. Her tail sparkles in the sunset and makes her long to be home. But it is her dream to explore. She wants to see other parts of the ocean and admire the legged being which grow her curiosity. But Neptune is worried about danger. Danger never stopped Opal and that's what truly terrifies him. She sings the song of her people and encounters a little girl.

"What is it like past the sea?" Opal asks.

"I'm a mermaid as you are. I've lost my family," says the little girl.

"My family lost me," Opal says.

"You should never run from where you belong most," says the little girl.

"What if I don't want to go back?" Opal asks.

"You will. Trust me," says the little girl and then swims away.

The thunder grows louder. Opal has been here for a week, she's traveled miles in different parts of the world, and is yet to find a human. Maybe her journey has ended. It's time to head home. She sings again, the voice of her people echoing across the land. And sees something cross the fog that makes her jump with glee. A ship. The place where the humans are said to explore in. It takes a whole hour, but soon enough the ship reaches her. A sailor, at least that's what she heard about in Mermaid school, approaches her. It's too bad she forgot to pay attention that lesson because within minutes, the sailor launches a huge net and tries to trap her. Luckily, her sharp shark-like teeth helped her escape and jump back down into the water. Maybe Neptune was right. This is quite dangerous. I've learned my lesson father, she thinks. It was almost by some magic Neptune heard her prayers. The sky cleared up with a bright blue sky and warm sun. Neptune transported her home, which she'll never take for granted again.

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