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⚠️: domestic (both verbal and physical) abuse (marked for skipping like so: ), fluff if you squint, angst, threats, fear sequence including the following; intense violence such as strangulation/asphyxiation/being held captive/impaling, implied character death (MAJOR) again marked for skipping:

.....don't read too much into that haha, we're all gonna be just fine 😀 just trust me and read the warnings again carefully. I am holding your hand the whole way my lil turtle hatchlings <3

📝:...... well, here we! Can't believe we're here! One of many big moments in cosmic, as well as the final installment before s4! If you didn't catch my announcement on may 1st, im choosing to put this book on temporary hold until s4 (i explain they why in the announcement). And please, do me a huge favor and take breaks this chapter, this is an intense one 💓...i swear i don't do this for shits and giggles, there's a REASON

❓: no question this chapter! Just happy to have you guys along for the ride and thank you so much if you've been answering them! It really does help me improve 🥰 here's a painting I made for you 🖼 and I wanted to announce I'll be making a temp rant book for s4's release, specifically for those of us to rant/scream/theorize/freak out over without giving spoilers. Plus we can always talk cosmic 4 😉 Love you all dearly and ill see you on the other side!


The winds were harsher down here. They were cold. It was the first time El could physically feel something for herself since stepping foot into Billy's memories.

The seagulls were long since gone, along with Billy and the woman she presumed to be his mother. She was beginning to lose track of how much time had passed, though she couldn't admit she wasn't surprised she had managed to keep track this long. Time was strange in the void. It was almost... flexible. Sometimes her trips stretched on for hours, sometimes they were no less than a minute. But as she wandered the sands on the outskirts of the storm, everything seemed to change all at once.

Not only had the clouds spread all across the sky, blanketing the beach in an eerie gray, there seemed to lurk a familiar, unnatural chill. One El had experienced before. One that carried a certain stench of rot and a recognizable dusting of decay through the air. One many in the town of Hawkins had come to know as the very specific atmosphere associated only with the Upside Down.

This scene felt so familiar in so many ways; the flurry of spores dancing before her eyes. The swipe of her hand through the air to catch the thing she knows isn't there. At the thought, a mix of emotions clashes hard and fast in her chest long before she catches the fearsome shouts of an older man further down the beach.


"Hey! Billy, stop!"

El's eyes lock on the two figures up ahead and her heart plunges into her stomach. The older man had the second figure-the younger Billy-by the arm. Nearly to the point, she feared it would dislocate. Though they were still daily concealed by a thin veil of clouds, El could still make out the pink in the man's face as he screamed.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" The winds were begging to pick up, carrying a swell of sand that threatened to cloud the unfolding conflict. "What did we talk about, huh? You gotta slide!"

𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂³ || Temporary!Will Byers x Fem!Reader [...] ⇢𝘰𝘯 𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘥Where stories live. Discover now