From Me To You

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{John's POV}

A/N: Short a/n but I'm just gonna skip to John getting his stuff ready for second period, so he's already at school!


{John's POV}

Monday, February 20th

I walk into the school hallways, not seeing Paul anywhere. I head over to my locker to gather my stuff for second period, when I feel a hand grab my arm.

I whip my head around and I instantly get annoyed.

"What do you want Stu?" I roll my eyes and sigh.

"I don't want you hanging out or near that McCartney boy. He's a fag." He spits out angrily.

"Says the man that tried to snog me in the loo. Go to class. I'm not in the mood to talk," I turn back around but he grabs my arm again.

"I just don't want me best mate turning into a faggot."

"I don't think we can really be best mates anymore Stu. Don't ye think?" I say as I walk to my second-hour class.

I walk away, trying not to cause a scene.

"John, what the hell?!" He shouts from across the hall. I ignore him and keep walking as I walk into my math class.

*during 2nd hour*

My mind starts to wander. I haven't seen Paul at all today and he didn't ring me this morning. I wonder if he's ok..

"Lennon?!" The teacher snaps at me. I quickly look up. "Y-yes?"

"Keep zoning out, and you'll wind up in detention. Got it?"

"Yes Mr. Lee." My face instantly heats up and I hear giggles from behind me. This is gonna be a long day..

As second hour ends, I head to my locker.

"Ello Johnny," an all to familiar voice calls out to me. Paul!

Paulie! Hi! How come your late? Paulie's never late. Such a naughty lad!" I scold at him jokingly.

"D-dad I'm sorry! I didn't mean to be late for school! Do you still love me?" He tries his best to hold in his laughter.

I'm such a dad, I think to myself. "Yes Paul. But your grounded when ye get home!"

We both break out into fits of laughter.

"Wanna Skip 3rd period, McCharmley?" I ask Paul.

"Yes indeed." He says smugly.

We both walk down the hallway, smiling.

Once again, I start thinking. I think..I fancy Paul. I, John Lennon, fancy Paul McCartney. Who would've guessed! I give a quiet chuckle, earning a glance from Paul.

"What's so funny Johnny?"

"Oh nothin. Just thinkin."

"Thinking about what? Snogging me again," he asks smugly. Not in a rude manner, but in a joking manner.

I blush and look at my feet, then I look at Paul. A sarcastic look forming on my face. "Yes Paul! I just long to snog you once again!" I make a pouty face and then I break out into fits of laughter. I look at Paul, who's blushing and trying his best to hold in his laughter. He then whispers in my ear, "then do it.."

I quickly clear my throat and change the subject.

"Want to come over to my house later? I'm sure Mimi won't care."

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