Chapter 1

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/n's P.O.V

My mother was a university student, when she met my father.

"HANAAA! MORNIIING!" Someone yelled getting my mothers attention.

"Morning, Micchan!" My mother replied looking a little bit surprised.

"Hanaaa, Did you do the assignment?" Her friend Micchan asked hoping to get a 'yes' out of her.

"Yup." Hana said, looking nervous when micchan said, "Oh goody! Sorry let me copy it!" Hana got a little startled but cooled down.

"Come on! Again?" Hana asked, this was the 3rd time this week micchan had forgotten to do her homework, and had to copy off of hana's papar.

"Its 'Cos you're so reliable. You're a toootal lifesaver!" Micchan compliment hana, as hana scolded her, "Honestly micchan! You need to do your own work sometimes..." That's when hana heard something on the desk behind her, her head turned to the other side, as she says, "...Miccha......".

Hana turned her head back around so the guy behind her didn't notice her staring, as she thought, 'He was here last week too.'  She tried to look at him from the side but failed. '...I wonder what year he's in?' That thought was running through her head as the teacher was saying, "All right then. Open your books to page 175" hana thought about another question that was running through her head as she turned to page 175 in her textbook, 'Looks like he doesn't have a textbook... Guess that's why he's so serious about taking notes.' She figured that she had been staring, because micchan asked, "Hana, what's up?" She replied with a startled, "Nothing!"

~After class~

"Okay, that's all for today. Don't forget to turn in your attendance slips before you go!" The teacher said, as he reminds the students to turn in there slips. "Hanaaa! Where's our next class again?" Micchan askes... Hana didn't really have an answer so all that came out were, "Oh, um..." That's when she noticed the 'mysterious man' leaving "AH!!" She says, as she turns her head to face him.

"Huh? Hana, where are you goiiing?" Micchan asked hana but all hana said , "Go on ahead of me!", she started walking after the 'mysterious man' "w-wait up!" She yells after him but the first attempted didn't work so she tried again, "W- please wait a minute!" He looks at her, she continues as she hands him a Attendance slip, "u-um......Here. Its an Attendance slip.If you don't fill it out and hand it in, you won't get credit for showing up. So..." That's when he response, "......I'm...not a student here. Do I stick out? Then I won't come anymore." Hana was a little shocked at what she was hearing she watched as the  'mysterious man' left, a kid was running and trip, a little girl came over, he lifted the child up, pats his head, and smiles as he continues to walks away.

"Wait up, please!" Hana shouts after him.

"...Was there something else?" He ask, as he turns around a bit.

"Um! Uh... I don't know anything about you being a student or not. But... That class... Is pretty hard if you don't have a textbook. So please share mine from now on!" Hana says, being generous, he smiles.

~Later on that day~

"Welcome!" Hana said to a nice old lady (would that be counted as offensive? Please tell me), "These will be ready for you on Friday." Hana said.

"All right. Thank you." The old lady said, as she smiles. "You're always here so late. Must be hard." She said.

"Not really..." Hana replied to her knowing that wasn't really said to be answered. 'I have to pay for school somehow.' She thought as she hangs up the clothes that the nice old lady gave her, 'I wonder... If he'll come to class tomorrow too.' She thought as a tint of red grew on her cheeks.

"Is something wrong?" The old lady asked.

Hana jump only to answer her with, "Oh! No! I'm sorry!" 

~At the grocery store~

Hana grabs a pack of carrots that only cost '158 yen' She then questions herself this, 'I wonder... If he's okay with carrots.' She gasp when she looks back at them, 'I'll just buy the loose ones...'.

~At home~

Hana started cooking a delicious meal, and took a sip out of a raw egg. "Mm. That's good." She then wonders again, 'I wonder... What's his favorite food is.' She then went to her room, got in her pjs, starts reading a book that makes her think once again 'I wonder... If he likes to reading too.' She then throws a dress on the bed, "HRNNNNN." She then thinks to herself, 'I wonder... What kind of clothes he likes on a girl...' ​​​​​​.

~At school~

'.....He's not here yet.' she thought, as she walks to her sit in class.

"Okay, let's begiiin." The teacher says, informing us its time to start. A few minutes she hears clattering next to her she jumps out of her thoughts, and looks at him as he says, "I'm running late." She smiles, and helps him, they hang out everywhere outside, lunch, library's, and more.

~Later that day~

"-So why hana?" He asked.

"You mean my name?" She asked, trying to make sure she understood what he meant.

"Yeah." He says.

"When I was born, the cosmos were blooming in the garden. And when my dad saw them... He said.... He hoped he would raise a child who was always ready with a smile, like a flower." She continued, "He said, even when things are hard, when things get tough.... He wanted her to smile, even if she had to force it. And if she did, she'd be able to get through just about anything.... So that's why at my father's funeral.... I smiled the whole time. My relatives all thought I was being disrespectful. They got so mad at me... I guess it was kind of disrespectful, huh?" Hana asked him.

"It wasn't disrespectful." He said.

"Heh heh heh.... I'm glad." She said.



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