It's Me

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----------------Hatans POV--------------------------

*Running the fastest I can avoiding all the collapsing buildings around me, loud explosions fill the air, clouds so thick you could barley see in front of you.*

"Fuck man!" was the only thing I could shout as I collapse on the floor, i can't stand this anymore. Wake up, Wake up! Why must I be stuck here. The screams of dying people roar as the flames grow. Higher, higher it has all the supplies to stay lit for a long while we have no chance in surviving.

My people are burning, my neighbors, childhood friends. There's nothing i can do to help them, I'm useless. Laying here as the rubble roams closer and closer to me. Closing my eyes and wishing for a quick death I feel a sort of, hmm warmness?

Slowly opening my eyes, my pupils readjusting to the new scenery. It's me, laying in a tub of hot water. Great, the floor is soaked with water, best wash up and get out.

Looking at myself in the mirror, my black hair is getting kind of long, its almost to my shoulders! My cat ears barley sticking out of my head. (Making them easy to hide) And as for my tail that's super easy to hide as you see I have a small tail. Drying off my mocha colored skin. Grabbing my clothes I quickly check the time. SHIT!!! I'm late she's going to kill me!

Slowly entering the room I feel her eyes fall upon me glaring at me. She turns her body to face me, running and jumping on me she smothers me in kisses, " Okay ok haha that's enough!" I say threw my laughter. We're both witches. I practice a lot, to memories and perform them correctly. Let me just say its not as easy as people made it seem.

I bet you're wondering who my friend is.. Well her name is Motchette but she likes to go by moch, she's kind of my girlfriend. She's the smallest little person ever (4'9 to be exact!) I adore her so much.

(I'm a white witch)

My magic is based in a few categories 1. Romance 2. Nature 3. Memories 4. Dreams 5. Teleportation

I have no clue what kind of magic moch uses. She's too shy to show me anything. Plopping down on a bean bag chair thinking about my plans for the day. My mind wonders off and I fall asleep. Back in my own mind, I'm floating in dark water and there's only a dark sky. Little lights resembling stars are the only source of light. Swimming in my water... It's... relaxing because nothing can hurt me here I have complete control in here.

I can think clearly In this state sometimes i can teleport into another life time where I'm a completely different person and I recall all the memories of the time period. But when that happens that means that I'm needed in that time zone because I'm in trouble I can only access it when I'm sleeping.

We live in a world where we aren't really known. Like everyone else as far as I've seen is just a normal human that's why me and moch are roommate's and dating because no one else could understand us.

This is our story...

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