Chapter Two - Hate

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Author's note: So that you guys don't get confused, there will be a lot of flashbacks throughout the story.

Here's something to help you with the past present thing

(Hope Mikaelson is a tribrid) <------- this is the flashback writing

(Hope Mikaelson is a tribrid) <------- this is the present writing

I hope this helps. 


Chapter Two

A week after Josie draws the smiley face on her arm she sees something she hadn't drawn has appeared on her arm. She smiles at the small, waving rabbit on her arm and she wishes that she could draw as well as that. Lizzie who is typing on her laptop, looks over at Josie and her eyes widen. 

"Ohh looks like they replied... this is so cool!" Lizzie exclaims as she grabs onto Josie's arm to take a closer look. "Whoever they are, they are really good at drawing" Lizzie says as she examines the drawings. 

"Lizzie, seriously!" Josie groans. She begins to feel uncomfortable with her sister knowing about the imprint, Josie suddenly feels like she wants to keep every part of it to herself. So she pulls her arm away from Lizzie annoyingly and gets up to leave the room. 

"Hey, what's wrong?" Lizzie asks, she too becomes annoyed with her twin. 

'"It's personal and you're too in my business about it. Leave me alone" Josie says before she walks out. She is met by her father just outside her door who has a nervous smile on his face. 

"I have a new student that I want you and Lizzie to give a tour, Her name is Hope Mikaelson" He says, Josie rolls her eyes and shakes her head. 

"Get Lizzie to do it, I'm not in the mood" She says before simply walking off. 


"I can't believe dad's doing this again! Asking Hope to help him and not us. We are just as useful as her" Lizzie whines about her enemy. Josie doesn't listen, she continues to read her history textbook. "And it's just getting another werewolf, how hard could that be... ooo maybe he's the one that imprinted on you" Lizzie says enthusiastically. Josie rolls her eyes and looks up from the book. 

"You say this about every new werewolf that comes to this school" Josie mutters before looking back down at her textbook. "And as much as we both hate Hope Mikaelson, she is more durable than us." She says, although she lies... she doesn't hate Hope Mikaelson, at least not as much as Lizzie does. Josie wasn't the one to give Hope a tour guide, it was Lizzie and on that day. From the moment Lizzie met Hope she felt her power, even without touching her. Lizzie was jealous when she learnt that Hope was the all powerful Mikaelson Tribrid. 

In all truth Josie didn't really know Hope Mikaelson at all, in fact she tried her best to stay away from her. But at times Josie found herself looking at Hope, wondering who she really was because she knew her sister was biased. But Josie stayed away anyway. "I'm going to study in the library, you rambling is distracting me" Josie says before leaving to go to the library. On her way she runs into the very person she was just thinking about when she turns a corner. 

"Oh sorry" Hope says with a small smile. Josie notices who it is and by instinct, she tries her best to be nice to the girl she was told not to like. 

"Back so soon? Was your mission successful?" Josie asks, she is shocked by her own rudeness in the tone of her voice. Hope shrugs it off but answers anyway. 

"Yeah, sorry have I done something to offend you?" Hope asks. She crosses her arms over her chest. Josie suddenly feels guilty because Hope has never done anything to her at all.

"Sorry no, I didn't mean to..." Josie says defensively. Hope shakes her head with a frown. 

"Don't worry about it, I know what your sister says about me behind my back so I can imagine that's why you don't like me" Hope says before attempting to walk away. Josie grabs onto Hope's arm in an attempt to stop her. Hope looks at Josie with questionable eyes. 

"I can't not like someone that I don't know" Josie murmurs. "Sorry, I shouldn't have been so rude before...." Josie apologizes again but this time she looks in Hope's eyes when she does this. She notices Hope's eyes light up a golden colour as soon as their eyes meet. "Your eyes" Josie says before letting go of Hope's arm. Josie feels a familiar chill but she shrugs it off like it was nothing. 

"Oh uh, it was a full moon last night must be my wolf side still on the surface" Hope says before taking a step back. "I accept your apology Josie, I hope when can have a proper talk sometime soon" Hope says before making her way to Doctor Saltzman's office to help question Landon. 


That night when Josie falls asleep she dreams of Hope Mikaelson and her golden eyes, she reaches out for Josie but when Hope tries to take Josie's hand she is pulled back, she starts falling. Josie runs towards Hope with a great need to save her when she sees a white wolf growling at her. The wolf runs towards her and before the wolf can get to her, Josie wakes up from the dream with sweat running down her face. This time she doesn't remember the dream at all. 

She get's up and does what she always does when she has these dreams, she makes her way to the kitchen to get a glass of milk. She finds that Hope had the same idea too as she was sitting on a stool with a glass of milk in front of her. "Couldn't sleep as well?" Josie asks as she walks towards the fridge. Hope looks up instantly, she hadn't hear Josie come in. 

"I've always had trouble sleeping" Hope admits. Josie pours herself a glass of milk and sits next to Hope. "Are we having that proper chat right now?" Hope asks. 

"I guess we are" Josie says with a smile. Suddenly Josie knows that she will end up liking Hope, she feels comfortable in her presence. "Why do you have trouble sleeping?" Josie asks. 

"Straight in there are we?" Hope asks with a laugh, causing Josie's face to turn red. "No, it's alright I'm messing with you. My mum died not to long ago and it was sort of my fault... no it was my fault and uh whenever I go to sleep I see her die all over again" Hope says, looking away from her. She has never opened up to someone like this before. Josie puts her hand on top of Hope's in an effort to comfort her. "When I did it I didn't think that she would end up dead and I hate myself for what happened to her" Hope says with a tear rolling down her cheek. 

"I'm so sorry Hope" Josie says, her selfless side coming out. 

"Don't be, I'm not even sure why I just told you that" Hope murmurs. "But I'm glad I did, just don't tell anyone... especially your sister" 

"I would never..."

"I know" Hope says. "We may not have spoken more than two words to each other in the past Josie but I do know who you are... I mean people talk. You're the selfless Josie Saltzman that cares about everyone else's feelings but your own" 

"Hmm, people really say that about me?" Josie wonders out loud. 

"Penelope in particular" Hope says. Penelope is Josie's best friend and even though Penelope wanted more with Josie she knew that she was promised to someone else, after months of keeping the secret Josie told Penelope about the imprint. 

"Yeah well Penelope knows me better than anyone, well except my sister maybe" Josie explains. 

"Yes, your sister knows you but she doesn't know how selfless you are and she doesn't see what you sacrifice for her" Hope says. 

"And you do?" 

"We may not know each other that well Josie but I do have eyes and ears and it's hard not to watch your sister take you for granted" Hope says before drinking the rest of her milk. "I best go back to my room but I hope you have a goodnight Josie" she says before leaving the room. Leaving Josie with her thoughts.

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