the pack - Klaus Michalson (Vampire Diaries/Originals)

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   It was late, far later than I had ever been out before, but I just couldn't sleep this night thanks to the heartache another brought to me. Because of this, I have decided to take a walk along the woods. It was a little cold out but I didn't mind the slight chill, it reminded me that I was alive even after all that had happened.

   I knew of all the supernatural that went on in this town. How could I not I was born into the line of witches, I am _____ Bennet, sister of Bonnie bennet, and imbraced my magick long ago. I first learned of my magick when I became angry enough to nearly drown another girl that looked at a certain raven-haired guy I had fallen madly in love with. Unfortunately for me he had over seen me using my magick and hated it....he did not do well with witches as his brother explained a few dead witches caused him much pain. Eventually, though he set aside his hate for me and slowly got to know me, and even dated me.

   Though that didn't last long as he soon got his chance to be with the one he really cared for, dumping me and running off with her, and that is why I could not sleep at night. To many dreams about him with her caused me pain and sleepless nights of torment.

    Moving and siting I stared out at the river having come to the old bridge. I had thought one day to jump into it and end my life, having felt worthless after learning that Bonnie was the go-to witch for the Salvator brothers, even though at the time I was dating Damon. Pushing away I moved to get up on the rail now only to hear growling behind me. Quickly I turned only to find a giant black and white wolf staring you down and growling at me. Slowly I moved further up the rail to get a slight distance from it only to lose my balance and almost fall from the rail into the river below. Right as I started to fall backward, though I were yanked and thrown onto the bridge. Laying there trying to calm my nerves I felt something push against my head lightly and suddenly lick my cheek. Looking over you seen the same wolf as before only this time he had a look of sadness and worry for you on his face.

   Shakely I moved my hand and put it out some, surprisingly the wolf moved and nuzzled my hand allowing me to run it over his fur some. At this, I smiled slightly. "You're a very handsome....pretty....I'm not sure which but your very friendly for a wild animal." I chuckled some smiling more. Upon seeing this the wolf moved closer licking my face again and pawed at me. 

   "It's getting late wolfy I should be getting home....then again that means going back to the boarding house and I'm not really ready to see Damon all lovey on another girl again today," I mumbled hanging my head tears forming once again. Just as I was about to cry again I felt my new friend nuzzle me and then nudge me, "what you want me to come with you?"

   Looking at the wolf I could see a sort of hope spark in its eyes as I moved to get up, "okay then I will come with you but I can't be out here too long it is late after all." Smiling you put my hand on the wolfs back as I followed it along through the woods.

   It took another twenty minutes but eventually, we came to a clearing near a house, looking at it I could see it was lived in and well cared for. I was about to turn around and head back when I  heard a voice speak up, "I see my brother has brought home a guest, welcome please come inside." Quickly looking up I saw a tall man who looked to be in his twenties, possibly twenty-five at the most. "I'm sorry I shouldn't intrude this late at night."

   "No worries Niklaus has brought you here so we welcome you to our little family, his pack as he likes to think of us though we are not the same as him."

   "So my thoughts were right...this is a werewolf, though I don't sense the same about you."

   "You would be correct, the rest of the family is only a vampire. Our brother is the only one of the three wolf line to unleash their wolf, and become the first hybrid."

   "First...." Moving I stumbled some and shakily started to run only to run straight into a girl with long blond hair.

   Glaring down at you she moved to lift you up by the neck, "who is this pathetic witch and why is she here dear brother?"

   "Rebecca release her, she is a guest in our home."

   Moving quickly she tossed me aside causing me to land onto the ground with a gasp as I felt something snap in my arm. Moving slowly I sat up tears falling from the pain and felt the man from before picking me up and bringing me inside the house setting me on the couch beside another man who I have seen before in the mystic grill.

   "Ah hello again cutie, you came to see me finally?"

   "No..." I winced out holding my armclose to me. "Nope......your brother brought me here after I said I didnt wish to go back home to the Salvators..."

   "Brother? Which one? Elijah or Nik?"

   "Niklaus brought me here though I wasn't certain he was a werewolf till Elijah said so."

    "Ah yes I was wondering why he suddenly turned himself and ran out, It must have been you he smelled."

   "Yes well...seems he saved me and is helping me to avoid the pain."

   "Ah, that little issue...I overheard that nasty little break-up, terribly sorry, but that fool of a vampire has no idea what he lost."

   "Yeah well, that fool was the first person to accept my darker side."

   "Not the only one love." Klaus said walking into the room fixing his cuffs.

   Looking up I met the eyes of a very gorgeous man. He took my breath away just looking at him. "Forgive me, I am Niklaus, but you may call me Klaus, and as I said he is not the only one who accepts you for who you are. I have had my eyes on you for a very long time now and I can tell you, your amazing, far more powerful than that sister of yours, and far more stunning than the doppelganger. Damon is a fool for letting you go, but his loss is my gain. Please allow me to show you all the pleasures life can bring to you in this life, and possibly, in the future if you choose to be turned and live forever. For now, I invite you to come live with me and my siblings, here in my home. You have already met my sister, Rebbeca, and my two brothers Elijah and Kol, though I am at odds, I do not know when you met Kol. Though he will keep his hands off of what is mine, I hope, if not I'll just dagger him once more and let him stay that way till I see fit to awaken him."

   Looking at him I was stunned, I had never had someone ask me to be theirs in such a way, but it was amazing to know another accepted me as a witch and made me feel strong. "Thank you Klaus, I will take you up on your offer, I'll need to go get my things though, I was staying at the boarding house with Damon."

   "No need I will send Rebbecca to fetch the things you need, the rest I'll replace now please it is late, come I'll show you to your room." Smiling at me Klaus took my hand and lead me upstairs and to a room. Looking at it I was amazed at how beautifully decorated it was. It matched everything I had ever wanted my room to be.

   "I took a look at a few of your art, I hope this matches everything you wanted."

   "It's perfect, thank you Klaus." I smiled moving and hugged him before going over to the bed pulling my shoes off sitting.

   "If you do not mind I would like to lay beside you, your scent helps me to relax, plus that way I can keep you safe from any others who may wish you harm within my hybrid family...and Rebbecca."

   "I don't mind but we aren't fucking, just sleeping." I chuckled laying down. "No worries I know you wish to wait till you have married, I can resist my urges till then, now rest you look very weary." He smiled kissing my head lightly as I curled close to him drifting off and enjoying the warmth and comfort he brought to me.

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