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Stacy was a girl who wanted to feel alone but also was the type who would enjoy company but the problem was she didn't know how to start conversations or make friends or even eye contact the person with whom she was speaking for a longer period of time. She wanted to talk freely and openly but couldn't. She wanted to feel involved in a group talk but felt that it wouldn't make any difference even if she was not there. She felt left out most of the time. She didn't know what the problem was: was the way she talked? the expressionless face while she talked? the tone of her voice? her appearance? She was always in conflict. She was different inside and out. Inside, she was the weird girl who talked to herself, made weird faces looking at the mirror, singing out aloud in her room, sketching and playing guitar, having arguments with some imaginary person in her mind,playing with her dog. Well, outside she was a girl who everyone thought looked innocent, sweet, shy, quiet and nothing more. Outside, she cared what others thought, their opinion , her every move and expressions. She was very self conscious and insecure about herself. Outside, she always had this automated smile that showed every single time she talked even when she was hurt from the inside and she hated this. It is not that she didn't try. She tried. Tried to speak in a louder voice, tried to be more open and expressive, tried to be involved in the talks of the groups, tried to make eye contact and listen to what the person is saying but it didn't work out. Why am I like this?, Why do I even exist in a planet where I don't even know how to fit?,......., these were the questions that always hit her before bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2019 ⏰

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