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I sniff, then began to full on sob, why the hell did Francis kill herself. I just wanted her to be happy with him they were so cute.

My phone dings and I blink at the message.

can i see you? <fez>

I frown at the message, tears still running down my face from when Francis killed her self and Reggie went to jail with those tickets in his pockets. Maybe I should look for a drug dealer.

But I already have one. I have Fez. I wonder what his reaction will be when he finds out about the pictures. Would he be embarrassed of me?

I don't see why he would though or at least I hope not.

when? <me>

I decide to put on something marvel related, marvel movies always seem to get me happy and put me at peace.

Like for example today, it was a fucking shitty day, but Lucas was shitting his pants thinking I was going to sue him. My pictures were out, I have nothing to be ashamed of, they were pretty decent nudes especially for my first time sending nudes.

I'm a fucking virgin and the whole school is calling me a whore. Like it's my body my choice, who cares what people think.

My phone starts ringing interrupting my thoughts and I immediately pick up.


"Are you home?" Fezco's pretty ass voice blesses my ears.

I nod but then palm myself. "Yes." I am so out of it today.

"I'm outside." Ok Mr I show up to places at random times.

I quickly rush downstairs and outside to see him leaning against his car.

"Come in." I stand besides the front door of my house, I don't want to step on the cement and get my socks dirty

Fezco follows me upstairs to my room before a long awkward pause decided to plant itself in the middle of the room.

"How was school?" So he heard about it.

"Why?" I'm too fucking scared to tell him directly. I'm scared and embarrassed. I just want to hurry myself in a burrito.

"Just cuz."

"Fez." Fez, I usually call him Fezco, because Fez is three letters and is three letters really a name.


"I don't want to talk about it."

"I don't get you."

"What do you even mean?" I roll my eyes, tired. Tired of school, tired of Fezco playing me.

"Like shit I don't know talk to me, bro." He sits on the end of my bed, staring into my actual soul.

"Fezco my nudes got spread around school, it's not something I want to talk about." I snap, frowning.

He sits up furrowing his eyebrows, "Talk to me about it." I loosen up realizing he's being as gentle as he can be. I go to sit next to him, trying not to snap and cry at the same time, my emotions running everywhere because I don't know how to fucking act.

I never thought I would end up this way, with Fezco. I never thought he would be one to understand. We don't have anything, I don't even know if he likes me but he's here for me, he's being a friend.

"When I first moved like the first week or two, this boy Lucas Wellington approached me, he would do little things, stick up for me, help me with school work, text me constantly and he- he said he liked me and so we would text and he asked me for pictures and, and well I- I sent them you know? And I went over to work on homework with him and we did things like sexual things  and like right after he told me he didn't like me, that like he was only trying to get with me because of my virginity and stuff and like we didn't even have sex so I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine and I told him his brother has a bigger dick than him and he got mad and leaked my pictures. And so like to-today I-I went to school and everyone was just like staring at me weird and I-I didn't know what was happening and so I just don't even know. "

"I'm sorry, I'm really fucking sorry."

"You're gonna make me cry." I frown my voice low because he really was gonna make me cry.

"I'm sorry, baby. I'm gonna beat the fuck up out of this kid, I swear."

"I told him my dad was a lawyer and that he was gonna get sued if that makes it better and he looked like he was gonna shit his pants." He smiled sadly at me before he becomes serious again.  We both lay down on my bed, staring at each other.

"I'm sorry."


"I bailed on you, ma. Like it was you're first date and I fucking stood you up due to my insecurities. I fucked up Ellise, I really did."

"It's okay, I promise."

"I really like you and I don't give two shits if I sound cheesy, I been thinking about you so fucking much, dude. I just miss you, you're fucking pretty as fuck, your fucking presence is like everything. Be my girl? For real this time."

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