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"Ellise I'm being fucking serious." I watch his groan and frown, but I really don't get how I am wrong, this bag is like really expensive! And I don't care because literally he was flirting with miss fucking Wendy's yesterday and made me feel like complete trash. (If u get da reference ily)

"Bro my bags like over ten grand." I mock him using his favorite word. "Bro"

"You're being childish." He rolls his pretty eyes again and I feel like they might end up getting stuck.

"Well I am a minor." I retort back, giving him a sarcastic smile.

"An annoying one." He mutters back.

"What was that? I can't really hear you, baby." I make sure to emphasize the word baby. I'm like really really mad at him, he made me feel so needy and ugly yesterday. I kept waiting for him to text me but he never did. Stupid boys and stupid feelings.

"You're being annoying." He states firmly, his eyes boring into mine, his lips pressed into a firm line. He's wearing a mint green shirt with a play boy bunny on it and he looks so good. But I'm still mad.

"Are you okay? How much did you smoke?" He frowns, yet I still don't respond, I'm going to ignore him like he did to me yesterday.

"Ellise! Mommas I'm talking to you." He looks so stressed out and I just want to get on my knees and make it all go away. His hands look so pretty. And then it stops, I hear her shrilly voice and I just frown at him, walking away, I stand besides some trailer and cross my arms angry.

He didn't even stop me from walking away. Stupid feelings.

"You good?" I jump at the sound of his voice- Nate. Jesus fucking Christ, now we have Jack here from Nightmare Before Christmas hiding in the shadows.

"I'm good." I smile nicely, hoping he goes away. I mean he's really nice to me but I just want to be sad in peace if that makes sense.

"Thank you." I bite my lip looking away awkwardly. Please leave. Please leave.

"Ellise stop fucking running away!" I hear Fez's voice all of of sudden, he glares at Nate, who simply rolls his eyes at him. He can't do that, only I can!

"Don't roll your eyes at him." I mutter pointing a finger at him.

Nate raises an eyebrow at me, before scoffing.

"I'll catch you later." He rolls his eyes before leaving.

"You're stressing me the fuck out." Fez mutters.

"You're an idiot." I tell him, he's so dumb, he hasn't even apologized.

"What the fuck did I do!" He raises his voice. I roll my eyes realizing the whole world is literally missing my outfit, I look so good!

"You didn't even fucking say sorry! You flirted with Ms Wendys here in front of me, you ignored me completely! Made me feel like utter shit, I was waiting for you to call or...something." My voice begins to falter and I don't want to cry because I've cried enough.

"Come here." I shake my head no and he sighs walking towards me.

"I'm sorry, I can't be mean to her because she's Mouse's relative but I told her to fuck off like five minutes ago, he doesn't play Ellise, Rue almost OD'd because of him and I ain't fuck with her like that, I did but it was three years ago momma and it wasn't serious. I'm sorry for not calling you, he stopped by yesterday and I was nervous as shit because I have to walk on egg shells around him." He looks at me and I mentally scold myself.

Was it too hard on him?

"You weren't too hard on me, mommas. I deserve it. I'm sorry, I ain't all bad I promise." (Listen to all bad by Justin, that album was heaven and we need a part 2)

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