Chapter 1~

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I wrinkled my nose in distaste as I stood outside the pub. It was the only one in our village, Shearan, and I wasn't looking forward to going inside and applying for a job. Taking a deep breath to calm myself, I pushed through the door into the noisy room. It smelt of alcohol, smoke, and sweat. Not a great combination. I picked my way through the throng of people and made my way to the bar.

Spotting one of the baristas I waved her over and started to ask where their boss was, but the guy next to me (obviously drunk) started yelling really loud and swung a fist at the guy on the other side of me. Which was a problem, you know, because I was I'm the middle. His fist connected with my jaw, with a surprising amount of force for him being drunk and I hit the ground hard. Groaning, I pulled myself upright to see the guy swaying unstably.

Oh no, I thought in horror. The guy came down fast and landed on me with an elbow in my gut, and my head hit the wooded floor with a painful thud. Honestly, this situation has only made me dislike pubs even more, was my last thought before I pain in my head made me black out.


Where was I? That was my first, cliche thought when I woke up. I was in a dark room, lit only by a couple candles, and I could hear the loud voices-though it was slightly muffled. I struggled to keep my eyes open because the pain in my head was overwhelming. Sitting up was even more painful.

"Oh! You're awake!" Came a girly voice from the shadows. I could barely make out the shape of her face if I squinted. "You took quite a hit to the head, sorry about that by the way! Some of our customers get a little...err, temperamental." I could practically hear her wincing.

Oh! Now I remember! I got knocked out by that big, burly, drunk, I'm surprised I'm even able to sit up right now. That guy was huge... 

"It's fine," I muttered. "I've best be getting home though." I pulled myself off the cot, still wondering where exactly I was. From this angle though I could tell the girl was the same one I was trying to talk to earlier.  

"Are you sure?" She asked. "I'm Danielle, by the way. Oh, and we're in the back room of the pub. Why were you here anyway?"  

I laughed ironically, my head thundering painfully. "I was going to apply for a job, but I don't think this is the right place for me...I mean I got knocked out and I don't even work here yet!" I said honestly.  

"It was nice meeting you though, Danielle. I'm Harry in case you didn't know." I gave her a cheeky smile and saw her blush even in the dim light. Giving her a quick wave, a opened the door and hurried out of the pub.

On my way back home I walked at the edge of The Woods. I never understood why everyone was afraid of it. They weren't that scary...I'm fact they looked quite appealing. I could hear little birds chirping, and besides that everything seemed peacefully quiet. It was fall so the leaves were all a shade of orange, or burgundy and some of them had already fallen which I knew would crunch under your feet if you walked on them.

 I could just walk out there...just for an hour or so. No one would notice me missing. The Woods seemed like a great escape from all the drama of this small village. A way to escape time. Time that seemed to be moving too fast now...

Harry's moms had just lost her job at the local market, and know she made the majority of their money by washing laundry but it wasn't near enough to provide their family. His sister Gemma was too fragile to work, she was so gentle and sweet, she just wasn't made for it. And Harry's dad had died long ago. That made it up to Harry to try and find a job to support his family. So far he had no luck though, and he couldn't think of any more jobs he could apply for. It was usually he was too inexperienced...well if he ever wanted to be experienced he'd have to find a job!

I roughly ran a hard through his chocolate brown curls. Forgetting about The Woods, I quickly walked back to my house to tell Mum the bad news. Right as I got the door though, Iheard someone yell my name.  

"Harry! Harry Styles! Are you Harry Styles?" A blonde guy that looked about my age ran out of The Woods. I gaped at him. Who was this guy? And why was he in The Woods? No one went in The Woods! And how did he know my name??


And that's the first chapter! Please tell me what you think (: who is the mysterious blonde guy that knows Harry o: I'm sure you can guess XD case you didn't get it from this chapter, the story takes place in the past. So like, no cars. No phones. No electricity. Nothing like that lol just making that clear. SO YEAH! I'm really excited about this story- sorry for any mistakes, I wrote it on my phone with the Wattpad App XD so you know the drill! Please vote! I mean look at how sexy that vote button wanna tap that right??;) fan (: and comment to tell me what you think? I Love You! <3  

~ Violet

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2012 ⏰

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The Woods (Red Riding Hood Spin-off) *Larry AU*Where stories live. Discover now