Coffin,Nails and Hammer

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I got the coffin and I lay your beautiful body in it. How your heart was beating fill with love and wonder. How Ironic, how yesterday was the first day we started our life together, And it ended today. I got the nails to nail the lid shut, After all we don't need any dirt to get on your beautiful body and we don't need any dead bodies suddenly get up and start walking. I got the hammer, to drive the nails into the lid, Hearing your muffle cries hurt me, how I lost you to another man, but you want me to move on. But darling, this the only way I can move on. I got pallbearers to carry your coffin that hold your beautiful body, to the hill with the dead tree on it. I got the shovel, How many hours it took just to dig your grave, The cuts and the blisters that grave cause me, The sweat and tears I put in it for you but after all, you deserve the best. The grave how ever is yours and not only are you going to spend all eternity with the coffin,nails and hammer, but you going spend the eternity with your lover. I got the shovel and I throwing dirt on your coffin and every time you hear the dirt hitting the coffin, you finally realize your fate, Your fate to be with coffin,nails and hammer and the dirty bastard you cheated on me with, I hope your future will be just as dark and cold as your grave, because after all, that the same future you curse me to.

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