Tallest Purple x Reader: Cookie

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Art Credit: Evle (I ruined it with my shit humor oof)

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Art Credit: Evle (I ruined it with my shit humor oof)

NOTE: This was actually pretty short compared to the first chapter. Sorry about that. There will be more to come of course so thank you for reading and I love you all!!

The Massive was a ship that went beyond the capabilities of Irken technology. Built under Tallest Miyuki's reign, it was known as one of the best Irken-made machines of all time. As it contained a large quantity of Irken soldiers, officials, and of course the current rulers Red and Purple, it was very common to get lost.

It was also easy for new recruits and Invaders to lose themselves within its walls, or miss important meetings and discussions. But even the most experienced may find themselves awry.

Tallest Purple was in this predicament as he tried to recollect on where he was previously and where he was currently looking. His human partner (Y/N) had something of his that he needed back, and unfortunately she could be anywhere.

She was also very, very small compared to him.

Sometimes the ruler feared his dearest would fall into a crevasse and never escape.

After a few dizzy turns and many breaks, Purple found himself back where he started. In the control room of the ship where he left Red to go on his search. Red was there silent as he watched almost dreamily into the void of space. Although very terrifying in theory, it was just so beautiful to him.

He almost could get lost in his mind looking at it.

Purple inches toward him trying not to startle his co-leader. Red barely gave him a side glance at the pathetic look on the others face.

"Still can't find her?" he mused with bubbling amusement.

Purple nodded sadly.

Red shrugged his shoulders, turning most of his attention back to the view.

"Have you tried your bedroom on your bed?"

Purple felt himself tense in embarrassment. He felt a little dumb to not even consider (Y/N) taking refuge in their shared bedroom where she can hide in their mountains of covers and pillows.

She was probably munching on his prized cookies as the two Irken leaders spoke.

Tallest Purple once again dipped on his partner in crime and was now sprinting down the halls. Pretty terrifying since the Tallest never used their feet. Poor Irken soldiers leapt out of the way or screamed in utter fear at the sight of their leader barreling down corridors with foam at the mouth.

"(Y/NNNNNNNN)!!!!" he screeched, as his body nearly slammed on the door to their room. The automatic opening prevented him from smashing his face in but he did manage to trip and fall right onto the bed and onto (Y/N).

Just as Red predicted.

Or assumed because this wasn't the first time something like this happened.

The small human let out a shocked yelp as body weight crashed into her and the fluff of the blankets surrounding her form.

Even worse, she almost dropped her cookies.

When she looked up she saw her partner Purple looking at her with a hurt expression. He wasn't wasn't really hurt, but she knew she was gonna get it for snagging his sweets.

"What?" she muffled with a mouthful of cookie. Purple gave her a dangerous smirk, and it was before she knew it she was trapped by his arms and chest.
Slowly, the thief swallowed the remainder of her evidence, leaving only one of his favorite cookies left.

Oh hell to the no.

The larger male let out a war cry as he attacked her sides with his digits, tickling her as she cackled out loud. It was very satisfying to see the cute expression on her face as she laughed, including her little snorts and squeals.
"Stopppp!!" she barely gave a fight as she weakly pushed his arms away to no avail. His next target was her most vulnerable spot:

Her tummy.

She made more noise and a stronger fight but still didn't have enough strength to push Purple off.

"HEY." he barked through the punishment.

She looked up at him with blurry vision and sore cheeks from smiling so wide.


"Nooooooooo!!!!" (Y/N) drawled out squirming under him as he finally pulled back his assault.

The two continued to laugh amongst one another, taking in breath that they both held in during his tickle fit.

As she began to catch her breath, Purple took her lips with his, giving her a tender and loving kiss. He stayed there for a moment, basking in the softness of her lips and the way touching her in this way made him feel. He pulled away reluctantly, savoring the very tasty flush on her cheeks and her open mouth.
"You little butthead...I can still taste those cookies on you..." his face was calm and affectionate, and he now took on a protective hug as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

The female giggled at her tall alien dork and kissed him again, enjoying the feeling.

Pulling away, (Y/N) took the last cookie and placed the edge of it between her lips, presenting it to Purple. She muffled as she tried to speak to him but it just made the Irken laugh. Smiling once again, Purple leaned into the other end of the cookie and took a bite. Even though it was a single cookie he was able to snack on, it was so much sweeter now he was sharing it with (Y/N).

She may be a cookie thief, but she was his cookie thief.

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