Chapitor chapitre uno (1)

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The alarm right. It's 7:30. Obscuriad-chan slightly opens her chocolate brown eyes as the quacking of her duck sounds alarm fills the room. And here goes another ordinary day of school, she mumbled to herself. Little did she knew, the twisty twist of events that would crush her ordinary, dank routine.

Obsidian-chan quickly putted on the school uniform, however she seemed to be hesitating between what hoodie to wear on this fine day, after some cruel debating with herself she choosed the black hoodie. The ones with the flowers on the sleeve, similar to the sakura flowers that blooms in spring. Ovsidan-chan loved the spring, its beauty and the love in the air. She couldn't wait to go on long walks with her lesbian more-than-friend person, Dox. They'd stare at the birds fighting and Obsidian would sneeze because she forgot her allergy pills the very same morning. Oh, sweet spring.

Oh no ! After all this wonderfully meaningless thought process, Obsidian-chan was late for school ! She quickly grabbed a piece of bread, shoved it in her mouth, and started running for school. She was running and running as fast as she could, the toast was almost flying around but she hangs on it tight with her cherry lips. On this very moment, that one moment, she didn't saw the strong figure that just crossed the road before her. She couldn't stop her run, BANG !!!!1!!!¡!!! She finally let go of the toast, not by choice but because she ran into something. She felt her nose runny, and a drop of blood came out of it. (Author notice: Anime nosebleed :3 ) In fact, the men, or more likely, the skeleton standing before her was terribly HOT. Obiduan-chan feels her cheeks red, and she was pretty sure hot-skeleton guy was blushing too. She couldn't bare to move, so it was le talk time.

Obscuriad-chan - Um, hi. I'm so sorry for that >////<

Stranger skeleton - It's totally ok pal. But if you mess with me any more you are gonna have a bad time ok ? < . <

Obsixksn-chan - I'll make sure to remember that •////•

Hot bones - By the way, do u kno le way to the nearest school ? I'm supposed to be a new student or something.

Odifian-chan - S-sure, follow me !

Boney hotty - Great ! My name is Sans Undertale, what is yours ?

Obsidain-chan - My name.. it's Obscuriad ! :3

Snas Undertale - Perfect Obscuriad-chan ! Let's get this bread !

And so, they talked more and more as they grew closer to the school. Everyone would see the deep bond they already created by these 10 minutes of walk. They would u know he had to do it to 'em the strangers and gottem the bus drivers.

The two memers arrived to the school with only minor ptsd from the cat they saw gets walked over by a car while they painfully watched.


Author note :333

Hope you enjoy this first chapter >///< !!!!! Please follow and send me positive feedback or die !!!!!!! 💀💀💀

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