All My Fault

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*Jovie POV

'Manage me, Im a mess

Turn a page Im a book half unread

I wanna be laughed at, left with, just because

I wanna feel weightless and that should be enou-'

Naomi reached for her phone and put it to her ear.

"Hey Toby, whats up?" She said in a cheerful tone.

I watched her smile quickly fade and turn into a look of concern.

"What??!" She gasped. I looked at her curiously, wondering what was going on.

"Is he okay??" She rose from the couch and looked around for her car keys.

What happened? Was somebody hurt?

"Yeah, we'll be over in a second. Bye." She hungup and shoved her phone in her back pocket.

"What happen?" I said concerned.

"Its Gerard." She said, grabbing her keys off the table.

"Gerard!?" I gasped.

"Chris almost beat him to death! Hes in pretty bad shape, the guys want us to come over." She explained.

What?? Did I hear that right?? Chris beat up Gerard?! Why would Chris do such a thing!? I knew Chris was tough but I always thought of him as sweet and harmless. Worry filled my mind. Was Gerard really okay?! What damage did Chris do? Oh God.

"Chris did what?? Oh my God!" I nervously bit my lip.

Naomi tip toed into Alexs room and picked up the sleeping kid in batman footies, she lazily opened her eyes and groaned.

"Sh, sh. We're going to Gerards." Naomi stroked her long black hair, Alexandra drifted pack to sleep on her shoulder.

We walked outside to Naomis car, buckled Alex in the backseat and drove to campus.


We entered dorm 135. My eyes darted to Gerards bed were he was laying with Toby and Frank by his side.

Oh My God.

He looked awful! I cant believe Chris could do something like this! Gerard layed flat on his back with his shirt off, revealing bright purple bruises on his pale torso. His face was worse. He had more bruises on his jaw and the side of his head. His eye was black and swollen and his lip was busted

"Gerard!" I shrieked.

I didnt want to see him like this, in pain, hurt. Chris did this to him. How could I let this happen!? I ran over to the bed and sat on the edge.

"Oh my God Gerard im so sorry this is all my fault!" I said as my eyes were watering. I brushed some hair out of his eyes and ran my hand up his abdomen, he winced as I touched his bruises. Gerard was suffering and it was all my fault! Anger rushed through my veins, what right did Chris have to lay a finger on innocent Gerard?! He hurt Gerard and no one was going to do anything about it.

"I didnt know he was like this..." I whispered.

*Gerard POV

"We cant let him just get away with this! We can press charges or something right??" She said furiously, turning towards Toby and Frank.

"No, no, Jovie its alright. Lets just forget about it, we'll probably never even deal with him again." I spoke up. I wanted to forget this ever happened. I never wanted to see Chris again.

I remember him saying; 'You and Jovie will both pay' Both? He beat the living hell out of me, what would he do to Jovie? He wouldn't physically hurt her would he? He is pretty insane. Naomi spoke up as if she read my mind.

"This Chris guy, hes violent?" Naomi said swaying back and forth to sooth Alex in her sleep.

"Of course hes violent look at Gerard!" Frank said angrily pointing at me.

"I-I didnt think he was." Jovie stuttered.

"Wait, you think... No! No, Chris would never hurt me." She said trying to reassure us.

Jovie says Chris wouldnt hurt her... but at the same time she didnt think Chris would hurt me. Now look at me. He almost KILLED me just because I kissed his girlfriend.

"You look terrible..." Jovie said stroking the side of my face.

"Thanks..." I gave her a weak smile.

"Gerard, are you sure dont need to go to the hospital?" Naomi said, examining the bad condition of my face.

"Yeah man he might of broke something." Frank said.

"No, really, I-Im fine." I said, brushing their comments off.

"Ill stay the night with him, in case he comes back." Jovie said, wiping her eyes.

"You dont hav-"

"I want to." She said cutting me off. She grasped my hand and gave it a light squeeze.

"You sure?" Naomi asked.

Jovie nodded.

"We'll see you tomorrow man." Frank said walking towards the door.

"Bye guys." Naomi and Toby said simultaneously. Jovie waved to them as they exited my dorm.

"You need some rest." She said patting my cheek. She reached over and flicked the light switch off.

Jovie kicked off her converse and yawned. I expected her to walk over to her old bed to sleep, instead she layed down right next to me. I moved over to give her more room. She shifted her body comfortably next to mine and rested her head on my shoulder. She ran her hand up to my chest, her fingers moved in small circles, I felt a shiver go down my spine. I wish things were more like this. I felt my face heat up at the feeling of Jovie rubbing my bare chest so sensually. I dont know what I would do... if something bad ever happened to her.

"Night Gerard." She mumbled in my ear.

"Night." I smiled.

I closed my eyes and as I drifted into a deep sleep I could of sworn I felt her kiss me on the cheek goodnight.

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