Chapter 7: Hyung

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1:45 AM (5 ¼ Hours Till Sunrise)

"Just open the door, Taehyung."

"Yoongi... Yoongi hyung? Is that you?"

"Your hyung is telling you to open the door, Taehyung. You should always trust your hyungs."

"I don't know that it's really you though."

"Kim Taehyung, open the door."

Taehyung glances at the other end of the hall. Is there any chance he could make a run for it?

Taking that chance, Taehyung puts on a burst of speed and runs as fast as he can, heart pounding. He reaches out his hand for the doorknob. So close. Time seems to slow down. Just one more step.

And then it's all back.

The ooze.

The tremors.

The blood.

The footsteps.

The screams.

A waterfall of blood spouts up in front of Taehyung, blocking his path completely. He trips backward and falls into the blood on the floor. Taehyung thrashes around as the tremors increase, making it impossible to stand let alone tell what direction is up. Spitting blood out of his mouth, Taehyung pulls himself into what might be a sitting position, but the entire world shifts again and he ends up crashing smack into the door to the common room.

Suga's whisper cuts through the commotion.

"Taehyung, open the door."


"Open the door."

"I can't!"

"Open the door!"

Taehyung digs his fingers into his ears to tune out anything he possibly can. He clamps his eyes shut tight.


"Why don't you open the door?" Taehyung shouts.

All the input vanishes in an instant again. Cautiously, Taehyung opens his eyes and takes his fingers out of his ears, glancing around with suspicion.

"Because," Suga responds. "I don't like working."

What? Taehyung thinks. There's a pause, and finally Suga resumes.

"You can sit in there forever and go nowhere, or you can open the door. Take your time."

Taehyung waits a moment to consider the painful logic of that sentence. He breathes in deeply, stilling frayed nerves, then stands and opens the door.

He expects Suga to be on the immediate other side of the door, but instead, Taehyung finds his hyung on the other side of the room, standing in front of the back hall. Behind Suga, Taehyung sees Rap Mon, J-Hope, and Xiumin; all of them sport lifeless smiles that reveal mouths full of green and pink fangs.

"How..." Taehyung trails off, looking back and forth between J-Hope and Xiumin.

"Ah, them," Suga says. "I think they meant to rescue you."

"And," Taehyung swallows. "How is it that you... that Suga hyung, is talking?"

"Humans are simple; weak," Suga says. "They can only be made to do one thing at a time if you want it done correctly. This one, called Min, is a mouthpiece. Or a messenger if you will. The others are pawns- disposable brunt force."

Taehyung studies his circumstances carefully. Xiumin and J-Hope have a glazed look to their eyes, although there's a glint that still speaks of a distinct deadliness. Rap Mon on the other hand seems worn: his breathing is labored, and a single line of blood is trickling out of his nose. His eyes are so bloodshot they almost look red.

Not able to deduce much of anything from this, Taehyung's thoughts then drift to Jin and Jimin.

"My hyungs," Taehyung starts. "Jin hyung, and Jimin hyung. Where are they? And are they okay?"


"What?" Taehyung asks, but no further answer can be garnered. "What about Jungkook? What did he do wrong? And the rest of us?"

"Humans taste good," Suga replies calmly. "You run when I chase you and scream and cower when I scare you. I especially like to eat faces," he pauses. "Hold still for a moment, and I'll show you how much I like to eat faces."

Taehyung goes stiff with terror. The sound of paws padding across the floor fills Taehyung's ears.

Suddenly the computer room door opens and a small object wrapped in fabric goes flying across the room. There's a soft scraping sound, like the paws changing direction rapidly. Suga, Rap Mon, Xiumin, and J-Hope all fixate on the object obsessively.

"Taehyung!" A strong whisper demands Taehyung's attention. He quickly turns his head toward the source- the computer room. Chanyeol is part way out the door, gesturing for Taehyung to come. Taehyung quickly runs to him, and Chanyeol opens the door wide enough for Taehyung to slide through.

Taehyung collapses on the floor of the computer room, suddenly gasping for air. The lock clicks behind him, and the tension in the room tangibly decreases.

"V hyung?" One voice beckons. A hand comes to rest on Taehyung's shoulder. He sits up straight and turns to see the person addressing him. His jaw drops, and his eyes sting slightly.

"Jungkookie?" Taehyung says, then pulls his dongsaeng into a hug. He had already lost three of the most important people in his world that night, possibly four, and he would not lose the one member of BTS that he was responsible for.

Jungkook sits back after a moment, and Taehyung can see the scratch marks that still remain on the magnae's face and exposed arms. The blood on Jungkook's shirt is dry now, but visible nonetheless.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung asks.

"Ne, hyung," Jungkook says. "Not one hundred percent, but better. But hyung, I have to tell you something. There's good news and bad news," he pauses, somewhat despondent. "A lot more bad news than good though. Where do you want to start?"

Taehyung ponders in silence for a moment. "Bad news first."

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