Maybe they'll come together on their own

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Nora's POV
It had been almost a week and I thought that it was working they started talking to each other more. So that was good and we were plotting our next move. "Nora What are you doing?" Ren said with a look of confusion on his face
"Ren I'm taking to our audience" she said waving her arms around "I can talk to them."
"Right well um..... just stop talking to them for just a second and come talk to me ok?" He said still with a confused look. "It's ok I know your there." She gave a wink and sat with ren.

"Ok ren what's are next move?" I say as I sit down next to him. "There is no next move." He says closing his eyes. "What do you mean there's no next move?" I say with a surprised face. "We have to get them together!"
"And I agree but something gives me the feeling that it'll happen on it's own." He said waking out from this past week she knew to trust rens judgment on things because he never seemed to be wrong and walked out with him.

Time skip to later that night

Oscar couldn't sleep that night so he went to the bathroom to see what he could do when a sudden burst of wind and rose petals flu past him going out the door. After it passed he looked and saw ruby wasn't in her bed and that the trail of petals started and the foot of her bed. So he could only assume that it had something to do with her. He walked down the stairs and to the kitchen. He could find her nowhere when he heard a sudden wimpier coming through the balcony out side.

She was sitting on the floor in the corner of the couch in front of the fireplace with her head Buried in her knees hugging herself rocking back-and-forth. "Ruby are you ok!" He asked running over to her as fast as he could with worry. "Y-ya I'm fine." She quivered In fear 
"Are you shure?" He questioned and was started to walk away when she grabbed his hand "please don't go!" She asked and he knelt down beside her "ok I'll stay." And with that she jumped into his arms hugging him tightly baring her face in his shoulder with tears in her eyes. He just sat there in shock when he realized what she was doing and hugged her back.

They stayed in this position for a while when she let go and sat normally again turning her face away from him. "Sorry I'm waisting your time." She said as she began to wipe away her tears. "Ruby your not waisting my time now tell me what's wrong." He said as he pulled her head to face him with his hand.  "It's just you promise not to tell anyone?" She asked and he gave a nod. "ok it's just that I've been dealing with these nightmares well actually it's more like.... oh how can I explain it like bad memories that I dream about.

"Ok well what is it about?" There was a moment of silence "you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." He said when she cut him off "no no it's fine I need to get it off my chest eny way. Well do you know the queen of vail."
She asked "of course I do I don't think theres anyone In all of remanent that doesn't know about her and her amazing power and her untimely death." He said
"yes that untimely death is what haunts me in my dreams I remember it like it was yesterday and I was 10."

                Fade into the Flashback
     We were coming back from a trip from           menagerie it was a nice cool day in spring and
I remember my sisters and I were sad to leave because it was beautiful and the people were all so nice so my parents got us all a gift.
"Oh girls we have a surprise for you!" She said as thay pulled out three gifts for us. Pyrrha got a bracelet Yang got a ring. And i remember them loving it and then my mom gave
me a small jewelry box with a small music box-locket that played our song.

 And i remember them loving it and then my mom gave me a small jewelry box with a small music box-locket that played our song

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She had wrote it just for us and so I gave her a hug. wen we heard the loud sound of glass shattering and another and another when the carige fell over and it all whent black and I could here my sisters screaming my name and the last thing I saw was fire and my mother taking a bullet for me and then nothing. When I woke up and my mother was no longer with us." And ever since that day I've had nightmares but I still keep the locket with me it's the last thing I have to remember her by.
She said as he sat next to her and put his arm around her and pulled her into a close and tight hug. "It's ok ruby I'm here I'm here." He reassured her as small and faint cries came from her as he stroked her head.

                                Time skip
It had been afew minutes and there were no longer sobes coming from her. So he looked and saw that she had fallen fast asleep. "Wow" Oscar thought "she's even more beautiful when she's asleep. I can't believe this is the girl I'm marrying."  He gave her a kiss on the forehead and proceeded to Cary her bridel style back to there room. He set her down on the bed and thought about how in the past week how he had fallen for her day by day and he loved her with all his hart and it was just the way things we're and he loved it.

Finally another one done I'm so happy to have finally gotten one done. I'm sorry I couldn't get one out sooner or that it's longer but I've had a case of the writers block!! But I hope you like this chapter bey!!!!!!

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