Getting back

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        By the time they had a plan the rouge titan had cleared most of the titans outside of HQ. Armin  actually came up with the plan to fire into the titans eyes dazing them as the best titan killers would drop down from above and slash the napes. After everyone was in position the lift was lowered and they fired in an incredible flare, the group jumped down and all but two got their targets, Mikasa and Annie came back around and got the two that were missed. David gave a thumbs up to Mikasa, refuled and went up to the roof to watch the rouge titan duke it out with the other titans. After about five minutes the rouge titan succumed to it's wounds and collapsed but not before killing the remaining titans. But as we were about to leave, Eren burst from the nape of the collapsed titan. "Eren!" Mikasa screamed as she flew down to get him David trailed fast. After they retrevied Eren and went back over wall Rose everything went down hill from there.


Sorry for the short part guys I was really lazy but I wanted to get something on. Good day!

Don't leave me please (Mikasa X OC) Attack on titan fanficWhere stories live. Discover now