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Jimin sat down beside me at the table. His leg was constantly touching mine, giving me the familiar fuzzy, safe feeling.

"When did you transfer here?" I asked cutting the comfortable silence. Jimin looked at me for a second before he quickly turned his gaze forward.

"I-... not that long ago...?" he said it like he wasn't sure.

"Where did you live before?" I asked. This time he didn't even look at me.

"You don't wanna know..." he said under his breath but I still heard him.


I can't mess this up.
Keep calm. Don't let her see through you.

I couldn't stop glancing over at her lips. The soft transition of a dark pinky beige to an almost transparent peach, the memories of how perfect her lips fit mine, the scent of her fresh sweet perfume, it all pulled me closer and closer and closer. I wanted to kiss her so bad. Just one small kiss on the lips, or on the cheek, I'd be satisfied with on the cheek too. Or well, not satisfied... but happy.


I had unconsciously leaned in closer. My whole being screamed for her touch.

I managed to get back to my place and rip my eyes from her beauty, even though it hurt like hell.

"Sorry" I mumbled. I saw a small smile forming on her lips. So adorable.


He was gonna kiss me....again...?
I can't lie, I kinda wanted him to.
But it's wrong. I don't know him. Plus, we're in public.

"Oh, we need to get going. Class starts soon in 10 minutes." I said and stood up. He did too. He looked a little lost at that moment.

"What's your next class?" I asked.

"....uhm.. what's- what's yours...?" He asked looking everywhere but at me..

"English." I said and he nodded, still not looking at me.

Didn't he know what class he had? Maybe he hadn't learned his schedule yet.

"Let's go." I grabbed my things and made my way out of the cafeteria with Jimin close behind.

When I reached my locker I pulled out the books I needed and turned around to see that the orange haired guy was gone. Nowhere to be seen.

Finally when school ended, I could head home and just lay down in my bed and sleep.

As I was about to leave the big building, I got stopped by the heavy rain.

I hate this season, it's raining wayy to much.

I ended up standing at the entrance for a few minutes, deciding whether I should run or wait till it gets better.

At last I decided to run like many other students. I stayed at the bus stop hoping that my bus would come soon. I hadn't learned the bus schedule to my new home yet. It was me, a girl and a boy who were both hiding under a green umbrella.

When the bus finally came I was dripping wet from head to toe. I sat down beside a lady with a kid.

"Oh dear, you're gonna get sick if you don't dry up and get warm soon." The lady said and handed me a scarf. I thanked her as she helped me getting the scarf around my neck and over my head. I thanked her once again before I got off the bus and ran back home.

I immediately rushed to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I pulled off my wet clothes and just threw them in the sink before I let the warm water stream down my cold body.

After the long shower I headed directly to bed. As I was about to lay dow. I noticed the small orange cat sleeping under the cover.

"Oh hi Chim. You tired?" I said as I crawled down under the cover together with him. The cat suddenly sneezed which was awfully cute. I laughed a little and got him closer to me. He was now laying curled up between my chest and chin. The purring he let out was so soothing that I fell asleep immediately.

I woke up by my alarm, the truth untold, and got up the same second. It was freezing cold. I looked around the whole apartment to find the cause of the low temperature. Later I found the wide open window in the living room. I guess I forgot to close it yesterday.

Because I had so much time I sat down on the couch to read. Later when my "go to school alarm" rang, I got my things and left for school.


During my second class, the doors slammed open and a tired looking Jimin stumbled in.

"What is this!? Don't you have any respect kid!? To the principals office right now!!" The teacher yelled at Jimin, who just ignored her and searched with his eyes around the classroom. When he found me he started walking but he was so week he had to stop and rest against the wall. I hurried up to him trying to ignore all the stares and the teachers yelling.

"Y/N..." Jimin whispered when I got to him. I put his arm over my shoulders and let him lean his weight on me.

"Come on. I'll get you out of here." I said and helped him walk out of the classroom. I managed to get him to sit down at a bench in the hallway.

Jimins head leaned back against the wall and he breathed out heavily. I touched his forehead and checks and it was burning hot.

"You're sick. Why are you here?" I asked the boy.

"I have nowhere else to go." He groaned.

"But, your parents?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Only you." He whispered and lifted his head to look at me.

"Uhm... o-okay.... let me just... I'll call a taxi to drive us home to my apartment. Okay?" He nodded. I stood up to go and make the call but Jimin grabbed my hand.

"Don't leave me" he groaned. I nodded and sat down beside him. He let his head fall down on my shoulder and his hand gripped mine.

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