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I managed to get the boy out to the cab and from the cab to my apartment. I led him to my bed and he dumped down and let out a deep breath.

"Where are you going?" Jimin asked when I was about to leave.

"I'm just gonna get some wet towels and water for you. I'll be back in a minute." I said and he nodded. He looked like a baby.

When I returned to the bedroom, Jimin  was gone. I called him but nothing....

I checked the bathroom and the kitchen before I returned to the bedroom to see him laying there. He was curled up with his knees to his chest and lightly shaking.

I pulled up the covers over him and gently wiped his face with the wet cloth. Jimin groaned and turned around.

I sat up on the edge of the bed and pulled out my phone. I called Tae to tell him about this and that he would be alone at lunch. Ha said it was okay and that he would call Jungkook and eat with him instead. I asked about Jimin and how he ended up in my apartment but I just said him I'd tell him later.

"Y/N...." Jimin groaned behind me. I said goodbye to Tae and hung up.

"Hm?" I hummed and turned to him. Jimin grabbed my hand and pulled it to him like some kind of teddy bear.

"How do you feel?" I asked and wiped him some more.

"Not good." He said. I couldnt help but smile. This hit was so cute.

"Here, drink some water." I said and help him sit up before I gave him the mug. He swallowed it all in like 3 seconds and then laid down again.

"Hey Y/N" Jimin said and pulled me by my hand.
"I have something I have to tell you." He said slowly. We kept eye contact while I waited for him to continue.

Jimin then closed his eyes and was asleep

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Jimin then closed his eyes and was asleep. I let out a frustrated sigh and sat back up.

I got out to the kitchen and sat down at the table. I tried rubbing of the picture of him so close to my face. All of his features were burned into my mind. His orange hair almost covering his soft brown golden eyes, his cute nose, his even more adorable cheeks, his slightly crocked tooth and those plump pink lips.... No! Focus! You don't know the guy!

I took out some food from the fridge and made the table. Just as I sat down I heard some sounds from the bedroom.

I hurried towards the sounds and found the orange haired guy tossing and turning in his sleep.

"No, please no......... stop.......please, master stop.......no......" he was mumbling in his sleep. I got up to his side as i called his name but he didn't wake up.

"I don't want to.......stop.......it hurts.......I just want....I just want to be human......." he mumbled.

"I just want to be human." Got stuck in my head. What did he mean? Master? And hurt?

Tears were dripping down from his closed eyes to the mattress.

I sat down on the edge of the bed and placed my hand on his cheek as I called his name again.


I woke up from my reoccurring nightmare. I hear a soft clear voice and a gentle touch on me left cheek. When I opened my eyes I was immediately greeted by an angel, my angel. She was here again to save me from my pain.

"Y/N..." I whispered her name. I didn't fully believe she actually was there. I had to reach up and touch her. I let my fingertips trace her forehead down her cheek, bottom lip, jaw, neck, collarbone and down her arm to her hand. I let my fingers intertwine with hers and gladly accepting the calm warmth to wash over me.


I got pulled down in a hug. I was laying with my upper body on him and my legs still hanging down the edge, giving me a stinging feeling in my hips.

Jimin had me tightly secured with his arms around my lower back. He was breathing out hot air against the top of my head.

Suddenly his body tensed which had me getting up on my arms to see what was happening.

Right then Jimin turned his head to the side and sneezed. He looked at me with big eyes. I tried to contain my laugh but failed.

I ended up curling up beside him holding my stomach while laughing hysterically.

When I managed to calm myself down I looked over at Jimin, he laying on his side facing me. He had soft shimmering eyes and a satisfied smile on his attractive lips.

After a few seconds I felt a pressure at my waist. Jimin had slid his arm over my waist and around my back while I've been to busy with his eyes and lips.

"Uhm, Jimin?" I said quietly because we were so close. He hummed and slid his other arm under my head and pulled me closer to him. At this second all my will to get space were never exciting. I couldn't wait to be closer to him. I buried my face in his shirt and breathed in his scent mixed with some sweat because of his fever. Jimin placed his face at the base of my neck. I felt him leave a small kiss on my shoulder.

I've never felt at home in my parents house. I thought I did when I was at the Kim house and when I got this apartment, but this was it. Home wasn't a house or a place. Home was a person. My home had become this orange haired stranger.

I was so happy, I had finally found a home. But of course this moment had to be ruined.


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