My Heart & My Brain

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I couldn't stop laughing.

My stomach began to hurt and I held it while slouching over in my seat from laughing so hard.
"IN LOVE?" I repeated what Stella said and my mind just couldn't comprehend it. Stella shot me an annoyed look as she drove away from the carnival. Well we were attempting to but the traffic leaving the school was so bad we only made it a few feet away from the parking lot and were now in a stand still with other cars only moving inch by inch.

"Yes Elana, In Love. Ever heard of it?" Her sarcasm made me sober up from my laughter and sit properly back in the seat. I just shook my head while staring at the cars ahead of us. I couldn't believe how serious she was. Carter couldn't be in love he just couldn't. And with me? It wasn't scientifically possible.

I decided to say nothing more about it. She thought she knew her brother so well, but I knew the Virginity Brothers better and I had been watching them for years. I knew almost everything about them. The only thing that continued to throw me through a loop was that I discovered Carter's sister. The only reason why I missed that detail is because Carter kept that secret hidden from the rest of the group as well.

"Oh my gosh what was that?" I was jolted out of my thoughts when the car made a thumping sound. It sounded like it came from under the car.

"Shit." Stella began moving her car to the right side of the rode onto some grass out of the way of traffic.
"Im pretty sure I ran over something, I can feel the car going down I think my tire is going flat." She exclaimed taking her seat belt off. We both got out of the car and sure enough the left tire in the back of the car was going flat. Stella folded her arms while looking at me. "Well you ready to hike it? Cause I can't change a tire to save my life."

"Uh hell no." I answered back while looking at her like she was crazy. There was no way I could walk home from here. Driving from school is like a good 10 minutes away but walking would probably take a hour or close to it and I was too exhausted. Stella hopped up on the back of her car and sighed.
"Well if you got a better idea let's hear it." She raised her eyebrows at me waiting for me to respond.
The cars next to us continued to drive pass in the slow traffic and I could see guys from different cars smiling at us. "Not getting in the car with strangers that's for sure." I shook my head as one guy drove pass and even cracked his window as if he was going to say something to us.

"Ok how about this." I got up on the trunk sitting next to Stella. "We catch a ride with Carter and my brother, but I tell them to take us to my house and then I can drive you home in my car, that way no one has to see you and Carter get dropped off In the same area" I suggested.

Stella nodded. "Okay sounds like it will work."
I hopped off of the back of the car and held my hand out for her. "Let's get to it then." She accepted my hand and we made our way toward the back of the school again. I got my phone out and called Daniel, He answered on the first ring. "What's up?" I could hear music in the background and laughter.
"My friends tire went flat, can we ride with you?"

"Uh." Was his response as he continued to stay quiet. "Hello?" I was growing irritated. If he was drinking I was going to be so pissed, he's usually so much more of a jerk when he's drunk. "I mean yeah you can ride with me, it will be a tight fit though."

"I'm coming." I responded and ended the call. It was so easy to spot Carters car in the parking lot. They were in the middle of the lot, and All the car doors were open, the car lights were on and music was blasting out of it. Not to mention weed smoke was pouring out of the car, and two girls were sitting on the hood of the car drinking from a bottle. "Ew." Both Stella and I said as we approached the car.
My brother was in the drivers seat of Carter's car smoking and Carter was In the backseat smoking too. He had his head leaning back against the seat. His eyes were low as he watched me talk to my brother.

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