6: The Massacre of Italica.

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Italica, 3rd POV:

Witnessing the fall of the east gate, Pina clenches her fists as the bandits yell with pride. Her mind slowly numbs as the civilian militants engage the bandits.

Hamilton: N-Norma!

Soldier: The civilians have engaged, they are requesting reinforcements!

Pina: We have no one left to send!

Meanwhile, at the south gate, Rory moans as she holds her halberd tightly.

Rory: No, no! No! At this rate... I-I, I'm going to lose my mind!

Kelzad: Uhh... Is Rory..?

Jensen: What's with her?

Lelei: The souls of soldiers who fell on the battlefield are being sent to Emloy through her body. It affects her like an aphrodisiac.

Calvin: So she's a gateway for souls?

Lelei: *nods* Correct.

Ashe: That looks bad and awkward.

King: well is there anything we can do? It's not cool to watch someone touch herself in a battle, that's both rude and awkward.

Lelei: I believe the only thing she can do is to fight it.

Jensen looks at the east gate, clenching his LMG.

Jensen: Bis, any word from the east gate?

Bismarck: None sir, they're silent.

Jensen curses as Rory moans louder.

Jensen: Dad, where the hell are you?

Ashe tries to help Rory when she suddenly jumps off the wall and dash towards the east gate.

Jensen: Son of a... Calvin, Ashe, King! You're coming with me! We're following her!

They swiftly jump off the wall, safely landing beside one of the LAVs as they speed through the streets of Italica.

Jensen: *through helmet comms* This is Captain Jensen, the enemy is at the east gate. I repeat, the enemy is attacking at the east gate! I have sent a marker to your HUDs!

Sunrise, Revan's Strike force. Revan's POV:

I received a transmission from Jensen, apparently, the east gate of Italica is under attack by bandits. The strike force is 2 minutes away from Italica as we flew through the clouds. We had 4 corvettes and 3 frigates with us, along with a swarm of dropships and gunships.

Pilot: Sir, we are nearing the city.

Revan: Excellent, drop me inside the east gate. I want to fight them head-on.

My dropship speeds through the frigates, eventually becoming the spearhead of the attack. I grab the radio to communicate with the other ships.

Revan: *through radio* All units use the prepare to engage! Only attack those who are outside of the city walls. Engage the Stormbringers.

The strike force moves into position as storm clouds form around us. The thunder roared as I play the music, watching the shuttles and gunships move into position.

East gate, Jensen's POV:

We speed through the streets of Italica as I send a marker to the attack force. The LAV halts near the east gate as Rory slams her halberd into the ground.

Jensen: Everyone! Eyes up.

We swiftly disembark the LAV when we heard music. I stared at the sky to see thunder rolling in as gunships and shuttles fly out of the clouds, attacking the bandits outside the gate. I continue to stare as a blue dropship flies over the east gate. A man with a black and purple armor jumps off the dropship as everyone looked in shock and daze.

Thus, PRISM fought there. (A sci-fi OC X GATE fanfic) [rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now