Joseph sat solitarily at his desk, staring at the screen with intense desperation. "UWU nuzzles!" he screamed. Still staring at the screen, all Joseph thought of was Mel, dreaming of her freezing hands in his. At that moment the doorbell rang and 25 little girls lined up at his door; Joseph grasped the handle nervously but hopeful that it would be Mel, opening it with one swift movement. "YoU'Re NoT MEl!" he cried with furious intent. The small girls froze in shock, most of them dropping their cookie boxes as they fainted. A small stream of blood ran from Joseph's right nostril, joining the salty tears that painted his face. "Do We AlL hAvE fOrEhEaDs" Joseph said. Suddenly he slammed the door in the the girls' face and sprinted back to his precious Mel. Her voice echoed from the computer's speakers leaving Joseph mesmerised. Then the girls break down the door with such force, And chant "YoUr ThE oWo To My UwU". They then circle around Joseph slowly start to move closer. Suddenly Joseph wakes up blushing. "Mel.." he mutters beneath his breathe. Then he hears a banging at the door. "FBI open up" comes from the others side of the door. He opens the door and there stands three little girls. The three little girls giggle as they are wearing a little bit revealing FBI clothing. They then say "haiiii Joseph" in a very playful tone. Joseph then states "omg I have my own harem." He then invites them all inside. He then hits up Mel and flies her over to the U.K. Once she arrives Joseph then proceeds to say "I'm DoWn ToO gEt FiNgUrE bLaStEd By AlL oF yOu." {scene cut} It's the next day and Joseph and Mel are cuddling, and Joseph logs onto discord and ask Luna how her and Daniel are going. Luna then says it's not and puts an end to all the teasing about Daniel. Then Joseph proceeds to @ chazz and yell "CHAZZ" and "DAD." Then Mel starts writing a fan fic about Joseph. While Joseph has no idea. Joseph then tells Mel "we have to run. Then Joseph proceeds to say that "I aM cHiLd FrIeNdLy" even though we all know he's not. We then hear a background voice saying "yess."
Joseph x Mel - Harem Edition
HumorThis fan fic is about a guy named Joseph and how he is e-dating a girl named Mel. Their actions must be documented in detail. This will be an ongoing series of comedic documentations used solely for social embarrassment. This fan fic is made just fo...