The rescue

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Everyone is looking to Bolsonaro's possession, so my plan is working.
I go to a brazilian military base and see that the military are all watching TV, that's good because I can steal that helicopter more easily. Then I stole a helicopter and made my way to Curitiba, Paraná.

The way took me a really long time but i'm finally getting here, I can't wait to see the love of my life.
I land next to the police department and I enter in the most possible hidden way, I walk through some halls and I see the door I have to go. There is 2 guards, I make some noises and one of them go see what's going on, then I kill the other in a silent way.
I open the door and see my biggest love, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

-What are you doing here, Pabllo?
-I'm saving your life, we have to stop Bolsonaro for good, for our country.
-Pabllo, please understand that I'm in jail and if the world see that this kind of thing happend on Brazil, my reputation is over.
-No, your years being a president were the best years of our history, you have to be the president again and this is gonna happend today.
-Ok, but if something happens, I just wanna say, I love you.
-I know, Lula, I know, now we have to go before it's too late.
We get of the jail and make our way back to the helicopter, but then...

-STOP RIGHT THERE! - A officer stops us.
-No, you all kept me jailed in here based in lies, I'm gonna get out of here and make Brazil happy again. - Lula says back.
-Get out of our way or I'll have to shoot you. - I say - Just surrender and I will not do anything.
-That's not gonna happend - He shoots in my direction.
-NOOOO!! - Lula jumps in front of my and gets a shot in his heart.
-LOOK WHAT YOU JUST DID, YOU MONSTER! - Then I shot him in the head.

I  go back to my helicopter with Lula's body and make my way to the nearest forest, where I can be safe from officers.

-Sorry, Pabllo, I can't survive...
-No, this doesn't have to happend.
-I love y...

I begin to cry over him, this is the worst moment of my life, I can't believe this is happening.
My tears start to glow over him, I become surprised and I just need a final piece.


His injured starts to be healed.

-Cof, cof, Pabllo?
-You're alive!
-I would never let you alone - he get up - we will make our way to Brasília tomorrow.
-You're right, we have to stop this horrible president.

Then we go to the nearest hotel and sleep, January 2nd will be a day remembered in history.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2019 ⏰

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