Smokescreen x Heartbroken! Reader

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 Yo, Im back sorry i've been gone for so long I was grounded but guess tf what? My princple banned phones from school and he said you can only use it outside of the school on the yard after or before school you have to be outside to use it. So  did that I was  outside talking to my boyfriend on the phone and then one of my teacher came up to me. She took my phone away EVEN THOUGH I WAS OUTSIDE THE MOTHER FUCKING SCHOOL. Now my mom went to the school to get it back and she did. butttttt she will not give it back to me until my birthday. THATS ALL THE WAY UNTILL APRIL and now we are here my dudes so lets get on with it Peeps


(Your p.o.v)

btw the is transformers Prime not Bayverse 

I was just had walked threw the portal with bumblebee

He's like a brother to me but that's really not what's bothering me at the moment what I'm confused about is why is smokescreen always talking to Arcee he never really wants to talk to me so why her. 

This has been going on for days eventually he stopped treating me like his sparkmate and just kinda distances himself from me. 

I wonder why that is but for now I guess ill stay out of it I mean sometimes he needs his privacy

"Wonderful job Y/N"Optimus says to me with a smile 

"Thank you sir" I smile back (and no the smile was real UwU)

I start to walk to my berth room not even thinking about anything in particular just thinking about missions. 

I enter my room and let my body flop on the ground 


(its midnight now my children)

(Smokescreens P.O.V)

I love Arcee the way she sounds makes my spark melt 

every time I'm around her she winks at me and I start to look as blue as energon

but I have a spark mate and I shouldn't cheat it isn't right and I'd brake Y/N's spark into pieces but I love arcee maybe a little cheat just once wouldn't make any difference right 

I let my optics close and I drift off. 


(Y/N's P.O.V)

UGHHHHHH comeeee on Now 

I get up out of the bed and start heading to the main room as I walk in I see ratchet staring at me it looks like a look of worry or something 

"Y/N I need to speak with you for a moment" Rachet spoke and motioned me to come into his lab .

I followed him inside and he shut the door


"Yesterday you almost broke my monitor with your spark "Rachet said lowly very upset

"Explain to me what is your fragging problem"Rachet said 

should I but this could get out to smokescreen and then he'll think I didn't trust him after all this time we've been together 

The I diccied to tell him nothing that I was ok but what if he knows Im about to lie because of my spark UGH FRAG THIS DAY IS GOING TO BE A PAIN IN THE TAILPIPE I JUST FEEL IT!!!!!!

"Nothing Im fine Rachet" I walked out of his lab and headed back to my berth room when turn the corner I see something I shouldn't  

First I see bumblebee who looks shocked and upset for some reason the I see- NO! this-this it can't be and then I see the full picture Arcee and Smokescreen making out not even realizing that bumblebee and I were watching it all unfold.

After a minute I couldn't just watch them I had to do something about it so...

I didn't cry

I didn't scream

I did get there attention

I just walked away.

Sorry guys its late and now that im a grade higher than I was A few months ago I have things I need to do like take care of My boyfriend he loves my attention and Homework that my teachers think they can just get away with so yeah BUT its good to see my wonderful readers again I'll post another one maybe tomorrow buttt I have requests can I please get an editor like I have no time to edit and do homework its not happening if I do have to edit and do my homework these would get out like once every month but thankfully my list of things are less complicated this year. So i'm doing what I can until I get an Editor buttt have you guys relized my spelling is getting better (No ok i'm alright with dat) Anyways see y'all byyeeeeeeeeeee.

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