Part 1

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"Ughhh... will you just shut up!" I said hitting the alarm clock for the hundredth time not wanting to get up for your first day of senior year. Although you have been in this school (Korea International School) since middle school nothing was really exciting, everyday you would get up go to school and would become invisible its like no one knew you even existed.

Was it your clothes? appearance? introvert personality?
only god knows, but you would always remain invisible so the point of going to school seemed useless and repetitious.

But this year you decided to appear different rather than wearing the same old plain jeans and boring plain t-shirt everyday you decided to wear cute clothes like normal girls so people at least would notice your existence. You hope Senior year was going to be the most memorable and best year of all past high school years.

You quickly took a shower wrapping the towel around your body, blow drying your hair and dressed up staring at the mirror. It's still your style but instead you wear black shorts and put your hair down which you usually don't do. You've always wear jeans no matter how hot the weather was, you would still wear jeans. Your legs haven't seen the light until today. And I took off my glasses replacing it with new contacts. As your view cleared from the blurriness you were stunned. It's weird how changing my look...I feel different...a whole new y/n.
"I got this Hwaitting!!" I cheered myself on to gain confidence while looking at the mirror.

"I got this Hwaitting!!" I cheered myself on to gain confidence while looking at the mirror

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I lifted my backpack on to my shoulders and went down stairs.
"Bye Omma I don't want breakfast or I'll be late on my first day of school" I waved my hands while stumbling to wear my shoes.
"Bye bye sweetie have a great day and make some new friends ok" she giggled as I rolled my eyes with her "friend" word "I have friends..." you mumbled and started walking to school because it was only 15 minutes away plus it was good exercise in the morning since I'm too lazy to work out.
I stood in front of the school gates trying to quickly meditate for 1 min because all the anxiety was starting to kick in when I felt a push on my shoulder suddenly making me flinch.
"Yahhh who do you think you are—" you turned around and saw your best friend Emma smiled with her teeth wide out like a weirdo.
"I'm Emma, y/n's bestie nice to meet you" she shook my hands.
"Yahh! don't scare me like that I was trying to meditate" you crossed your arms bending a little with a sassy posture.
"In the front of the gate?" she questioned with a smirk on her face.
"Whatever let's go it's getting late I don't have time for this... I'll tell you later ok" I said as held her hand and started to speed walk towards the school building.

Yeonjun POV
"Bruh I know right she starts to get so clingy and annoying... anyways my job is done so I don't have to face her anymore" I said as I stood leaning against the lockers grabbing 597150.00 won($500) from Beomgyu's hand.
"True but now who's gonna be our next target?" Beomgyu my best friend asked with his eyebrows up.
"I don't know maybe—" I looked at him when I saw a shadow behind him coming inside the school. I moved his face aside with my hands when my eyes landed on this girl. Have I seen her before? Is she new?

"Who is she..." I asked Beomgyu as I pointed at the girl.

"Bruh seriously she is the invisible y/n from middle school...and high school remember?"

"You must be joking she—she looks so different" I gazed at her, my eyes not wanting to move from her delicate face.

"Why do you even care—?" Beomgyu mumbled but stopped when he saw my evil face and my right eyebrow sticking up and arms crossed.

"Because she's going to be our....I mean my next target " I smirked as I saw her laughing.

"There's no way she'll fall for you...if you do that then...I'll give you my red Lamborghini that I just bought 2 weeks ago...but if you don't then you give me your Ferrari what do you say? BET?" he took out his right hands towards me.

"BET it is... not only she'll fall for me but I'll even kiss her and she won't even stop me" I shook his hands then turned around to go to my first classroom as I passed y/n smirking.

This is going to be fun...let the GAME begin.

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