When I Wake up

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The next morning Ms. Dyer woke them up earlier than everyone to go. All they needed to know was if Millie was even eligible for the operation. 

Ms. Dyer unlocked the car and Millie stopped in her tracks.

"N-no..." she pitifully whined.

"Millie don't make this any harder." Ms. Dyer said.

Baylee got in the car and held out her arms and Millie got in and hid her face the entire ride until they got there. They went into the doctors office. Ms. Dyer was talking to the man at the front desk.

'What are you thinking?' Baylee signed. Millie shrugged. Baylee tucked some of Millie's hair back.

"Promise you won't leave me?" Millie whispered. Baylee held out her pinky. Millie and Baylee clipped their pinky's as in a pinky promise. 

The man that Ms. Dyer had been running her mouth was now in front of them with Ms. Dyer at his side. He was the doctor.

Baylee got up but Millie didn't. 

"Give us a minute?" Baylee asked.

"Room four." the man said and he and Ms. Dyer headed there. Baylee crouched down in front of Millie to see Millie's tears were running all down her face.

"Scared." Millie's voice broke. Baylee took Millie's hands into hers.

"I know you are. But you can do this, you're strong. A badass I might even say." Baylee said, Millie smiled a little and wiped her eyes and stood. Baylee stood too and they hugged. Baylee kept an arm over Millie's shoulders and Millie held the hand on her shoulder and they headed back. 

Millie sat on the cot with Baylee sitting in a chair in the room. Ms. Dyer was standing with her arms folded, something Millie knew she only did when she was nervous. The man came back in with another younger boy who was also in scrubs. They were rolling a tray. It had a headset on it. He pulled down a screen from the wall.

"This will monitor everything and if it spikes it means she's eligible." he explained.

"Thank you Dr. Heaton." Ms. Dyer sighed. Dr. Heaton, Baylee finally put a name on him. He walked to Millie with the head set. There were pieces that went in her ears. She looked at Baylee who looked ready to fire off. 

"It's ok." Millie said and nodded. Baylee nodded back. 

Millie winced as he put them in. After that she was fine. He set it all up.

"Ok so this is going to send soundwaves to her and if she can catch at least one even if it's hardly anything it will mean she's eligible for an operation." Dr. Heaton explained. 

He began cranking it up and Baylee stood with her arms folded. Millie was alright at first but then she was wincing. She put her hands to the headset and he caught them.

"I know honey just don't touch it." he said. She tried. She tried hard.

"O-ow-" she cried out. Ms. Dyer turned away.

"Ow! Ow stop! Stop it! Get it off!" Millie screamed and ripped the headset off. Baylee was to her by then and Millie grabbed onto her as hard as she could. She shoved her face into Baylee's chest bawling her eyes out. Baylee hugged her tight.

"S- she's eligible!" Dr. Heaton smiled huge at the screen. Mrs. Dyer and him hugged tight.

"Thank you- thank you-" Ms. Dyer hid her face in his neck happily. 

"This is a scientific break through... I discovered a scientific break through." he was rambling.

"Baby... baby your ears are bleeding..." Baylee mumbled. She scooped Millie up just like a koala and carried her to the bathroom. 

Baylee locked the door and set Millie on the bathroom counter. She rinsed some paper towels and wiped Millie's ears. Baylee threw the paper towels away and gently tilted Millie's head up. She wiped her eyes. 

"I'm sorry..." Millie said.

"Don't be." Baylee said.

"I am not what you want me to be..." Millie said and her voice broke.

"Millie... you are everything I ever wanted and more." Baylee said. Millie lifted her shirt a little revealing a healed over scar on her lower belly.

"I- I'm not even fertile-" Millie broke. She had small tears.

"Millie... Millie I didn't get with you because I wanted to get in your pants I mean I'm a girl and I didn't get with you to make you have a baby one day." Baylee said.

"I just feel like a liar for never telling you and a failure and a disgrace and digusting..." Millie said.

"I haven't been entirely honest with you either..." Baylee sighed. Millie stared at her lips confused. "This is going to sound so stupid... but I'm not human. I mean I am but- I'm inhuman." Baylee was stumbling. 

"Inhuman?" Millie was utterly confused. Baylee backed up. She held her hands at her sides and three metal claws came out. Millie was confused and shocked.

"Wolverine... the marvel comic... it wasn't just thought up exactly..." Baylee said.

"Why? Why are you?" Millie stood and put her hands in her back pockets. 

"I'm a girl... but if I like a girl, I can make another part appear and it can do anything..." Baylee tried to explain.

"So you're saying you have both parts?" Millie said.

"Yeah." Baylee said.

"Can I see?" Millie asked. Baylee's face went red.

"Um I-" Baylee froze as Millie went to the bathroom door. She made sure it was locked then dimmed the lights up. She walked passed Baylee, grabbing her hand to lead her as she went to the couch in the corner of the bathroom. 

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