44. He Babysits While You're Out

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Namjoon 💖

I am going out tonight with some friends and Namjoon is looking after Namjae. My friends wanted to take me out as I having really had anytime to myself since Namjae was born so Namjoon offered to babysit tonight while I have a few hours out with my girls. The boys will be just fine on their own. Namjoon is an amazing daddy anyway. I am getting ready right now to go out as I'm meeting my friends soon. I fed Namjae not so long ago so he should be okay for a while. There is milk in the fridge if he needs it. Soon I was ready so I grab my bag. I go downstairs into the lounge and Namjoon is sat on the couch with Namjae. "Are you all ready now, babe?" he asks. "Yes I am" I reply. "Well you look so beautiful. So glam, my darling" he smile. I sit on the couch and Namjoon kisses me before I leave. "Have fun, you boys" I say. "We will. Say bye to mommy, Namjae" Namjoon said. I smile as I leave. So I leave for the bar I'm meeting my friends at. A couple of hours later and I arrive home from my girls night which was great. I open the front door and walk into see Namjoon and Namjae asleep on the couch. I kick off my shoes and walk in. I sit down on the couch next to them. Namjoon wakes up a few minutes later. "Hey, you're back" he said. "I am" I reply. "Did you have fun?" he asks. "Yes" I reply. "Good" he smiles kissing my cheek. Namjoon did a great job looking after Namjae tonight. I know I can reply on him whenever I need him

Hoseok 💜


Y/ N is out for a few hours with some friends so I'm taking care of Chaeyoung for the night. There is nowhere I'd rather be tonight than with my baby girl who I love so much. I wanted Y/ N to go out tonight and have some fun with her friends. She totally trusts me at home on my own with Chaeyoung. She's such a sweet and beautiful baby girl and I love spending anytime with her. Anytime with her is precious to me. I love her so much. Y/ N has been out for about an hour or so. I have just given Chaeyoung a bottle now I'm burping her and getting up any wind she has. She lets out a big burp. "Was that you, little angel" I reply. When I've burped her, I cradle her in my arms and talk to her. I love talking to my baby girl even though she has no idea what I'm saying. I still love talking to her anyway. I love looking into Chaeyoung's sweet and adorable eyes. Sometime has passed and Y/ N arrives back home. The front door opens and she walks in. "Hey. I'm home" she said. "Hey, honey. Did you have fun?" I ask. "Yes I did. It was very good but I missed my two favourite people in the world so much" Y/ N said. "We missed you too. Didn't we, Chaeyoung?" I reply. "Has she been good?" she asks. "Of course she has. She looks like a little angel and has been a little angel" I reply. "She is" Y/ N replies kissing Chaeyoung. We get her ready for bed between us and then have sometime together before we go to bed ourselves. I loved looking after my baby girl tonight. It was so much fun. Can't wait to do it again

Jin 💙


I am looking after the kids tonight as Y/ N is going out on a girls night out with some of her family members. She really needs sometime to herself so I've offered to babysit for Jiyeon and Jinhwan for the night. I love looking after my kids so much so I'm only too pleased to do it while Y/ N is out. She has sometime off. She will be going out soon. Jiyeon is watching some TV and Jinhwan is sleeping in his Moses basket. I'm on my phone looking at messages and stuff. A few minutes later Y/ N comes into the lounge all ready to go. "Are you off?" I say looking up from my phone. "Yep in a moment. I want to say bye to my family first" Y/ N says. "Of course" I reply. She kisses me goodbye and the kids too. "Bye, mommy. Have fun" Jiyeon said. "I will, sweetie" Y/ N said. "Daddy, can we watch a Disney movie?" Jiyeon asks. "Yes of course we can, baby. What would you like to watch?" I reply. "Hmmm well how about The Little Mermaid? We haven't seen that in a while" Jiyeon said. "Of course" I smile. Jiyeon gets the dvd and puts it in the player and we sit and watch it. Jinhwan wakes up so I cuddle him and we watch together. Feels funny watching a movie without Y/ N but she'll be home soon. Towards the end of the movie, Jiyeon ends up falling asleep in my arms so I carry her up to bed and also out Jinhwan to bed too. Tbh I was nearly falling asleep myself too. When Y/ N came home we both cuddled up in bed together till we fell asleep

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