The Party

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"LET PARTY FOR OUR NEW CREW MATE!" Luffy shouted. The crew went into party mod all about Sora and Caesar the two was in deep talk with the crystals. "OH your the girl that taken my crystal!" Sora rubbed back of her head as she handed it back to him. "I don't know much about them.. I have one like it." She pulled her's out of her pocket. "I see. Your interesting." He smirked at her. "Thanks. I'm going study as much I can on those crystals." She explained as Luffy stared over at Sora who was talking that gas guy. "COME ON SORA DON'T TALK TO HIM!" He shouted at her before stretching an arm around her then pulled away from Caesar. "Drink with us!" Luffy shoved an cup into Sora's hands. "I don't drink Luffy." Sora stared down at the cup of orange liqueur. "Just have one!" Luffy was half drunk. After few more he was really drunk now.

He was glazing at Sora. "Hey pretty lady! Your pretty" Luffy fallen over his own feet as he crashed into Sora's chest. "Don't tell Sora. I love you." Luffy curled up on Sora's lap as he fallen asleep. "LUFFY! Just don't admit it and fall asleep!" Sora sighed this baka going be the ending of her one day. Sora blushed as she played with his jet black hair the others was passed out on the lawn beside Law who was walking this way also. "He finally passed out?" He sat down next to her. "Yeah he did. That baka. I should take him to bed." With that she pick him up then carried the rubber man to his room. Once she placed him down in the bed she was grabbed by his arm then pulled into his arms. "LUFFY!" Sora blushed he was planning to let go any time soon. "Good night my captain" As she kissed his forehead she fallen asleep herself.

By the next morning Luffy woke up to see Sora in his arms the girl was cute when she was asleep. "Shishishi" This women was going his one day wait... why was he thinking about that? "I should talk to Zoro or Nami about those strange feelings." He stared down at Sora he did not want wake the sweet women up he left the room Sanji was up all ready cooking food that Sora give him to try. "Sora-Swan would be soo happpy!" He smiled with hearts in his eyes. As Luffy entered the kitchen the scent of food draw him inside. "Not so fast Luffy!" Sanji stopped his captain. "Sanji? What is love?" He sudden asked. "WHAT?!" Sanji was shocked by his captain's words. "Luffy.. Love is feeling you get when you have feelings for someone else. Mostly with that person you love the most." He explained. "Like Sora?" Sanji's eyes turned into broken hearts this baka captain have feelings for Sora?! "Yes Luffy. You know you should tell her how you feel." He smiled before going back to his cooking.

"Giving out love lessons to Luffy? You ero cook. You shouldn't listen to him Luffy!" Zoro teased and taunted Sanji. Sanji glared at Zoro. "Shut up moss head!" Sanji snapped at Zoro the two started fighting each other. "Oh dear.. What happening here?" Sora's voice came from the doorway she just woke up. "SORA SWAN! GOOD MORNING!" Sanji twirled over to her with an strawberry smooth. "Thanks Sanji-Kun" As she takes the glass then take an slip out of it as she sat down at the table she notices Luffy was blushing. "Luffy?" She called out to the rubber man. He glazed at her for moment. "Oh Sora! Let play after we eat!" He grin oh course there wasn't anything wrong with him. Maybe he did forgot what he did last night.

It's wasn't long before the other crew members joined in the kitchen along with Law. "Hey Sora can you show me more things from your world?" Usopp asked. "No she going hang with me!" Luffy grabs Sora as he pulled  next to him. "Luffy! And Yes I can Usopp. We can still play Luffy." She wanted to keep everyone happy Law just sitting there smirking. As Sora went for the strawberry that was on her glass Luffy takes the strawberry from the glass then popped into his mouth. "LUFFY! That was mine!" She frowned as Sanji saw this he smacked his captain for taken the ladies food. "LUFFY! That wasn't your!" Sanji snapped at his captain. "I'll give you another one Sora-swan!" As he slice up another strawberry as he placed on the girl's glass

After everyone ate Sanji cleaned up the Kitchen as Luffy dragged Sora out of the kitchen with him before Usopp can say anything to her. "What with him?!" Long nose crossed his arms. "That baka have an crush on Sora." Sanji said causing the crew to be shocked also. "This Luffy we're talking about! He don't anything about love!" Nami said. "This should be interesting." Robin smirked. "Maybe I should check him out." Chopper wasn't sure if his captain was feeling alright. "Love is strange feeling.. I never thought that Luffy should have feelings for someone" Zoro smirked also. The crew walked out of the kitchen to see Luffy and Sora playing tag with each other.

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