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The once faded noise of the ceiling fan comes into existence as a 17-year-old boy opens his brown eyes. It is morning, and the sounds of all the creatures of the night have faded. "Mateo, wake up! You are going to be late to school!" a voice screamed in the distance. Mateo shifts in his bed, mourning the soon-to-be-gone comfort of the thick blankets. He forces his weight out of the bed and on to his feet. Now it was time for him to start the day. Mateo followed his morning routine almost mechanically: get out of bed, make the bed, go into the kitchen and eat breakfast, change into his uniform, prepare his bag and lastly before he heads off, he brushes his teeth. He leans down his head for his mom to kiss it and off he goes. By now, his mind is fully awake and has started the day without him.

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