Chapter 2

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Sierra's POV

Sitting down on the sofa with my mum giving me a lecture while walking from one end to another of what and what not to do in this side of the neighbourhood was getting me dizzy. After the woman left this afternoon we had been at this for almost an hour or even more and i couldn't hold it in anymore. I was so curious and i had a lot of questions rolling in my mind and if you would know one thing about black mum's it's that you should never interrupt them when they're talking to you on serious levels but me being me, I just had to blurt out the question.
" But would the job be too hard that she'd pay a million bucks?" Right after this came out of my mouth I slapped my mouth shut real hard with my hands. I didn't know i had so much power in my wrist muscles and I started thinking of jobs that would benefit this my new found talent. And just at that moment  my mum snapped her fingers in front of my eyes . "Sisi are you even listening to what I'm saying?"
I looked up at my mum and nodded my head in a way that would show an obvious lack of concentration thereof and i mentally face palmed myself. I just had to be the big idiot of the family.
But then my mum continued,
"Why do you need to ask such questions sisi. I told you known of us are taking the job."
"But mum come on, think about it; it's a million bucks. Our debts and school loans would be paid off and we would even have some extra money to start afresh in a better environment than this one."
My family and I had had better living conditions, after the death of my father it's as though our whole world came crumbling down. Everything we owned was taken away from us and we had to even struggle to get this apartment. Our rent was even due, we hardly had enough to last us a freaking month and every single company I applied to in Florida seemed to have been employing only people from ivy league universities. I decided to keep the rational side of my brain shut and started to think with the survival part of it. If only my mum would let me do this.


"Hey sisi", Alexis my sister came into my room. Not just my sister, my twin. We were total opposites even when it came to looks. She had short brown straight her that stopped at her shoulders that if you looked closely when illuminated by the sun came out like it was auburn . Her hair is naturally curly but she doesnt really opt for that look, with long lashes and dark brown expressive eyes. She was the epitome of beauty. She had the curves Beyonce talked about in brown skin girl and then let's not even talk about the height difference. She could pass for a model any day anytime but all in all she was my closest friend. Although at times I felt like our mum always loved her more maybe because of the problem she had with her heart when she was a child, even till now i still see the differences with the way she looks at the both of us.
" Mum told me you'd be getting a big  job soon and that you wouldn't be home for some time." I blinked continuously. If what she's saying is true does that mean she has accepted the job offer? I really had to go ask her. And just like that I skipped pass Alexis and went straight into my mum's room. I gave her a hug and thanked her for letting me help us.
"Now now, you're not a baby anymore you don't need to pester me with your hugs. But remember anytime you feel like you have had enough make sure to come back to your home no matter what." And i just nodded my head as I didn't want to ruin the moment. The only thing invading my senses was the lavender scent i was getting from my mum's shirt. Putting everything I had about death aside from their conversation this afternoon, I decided to make the best out of the oppurtunity that had been sent to us from God.
The next day I still had to go to work and trust me I wasn't looking forward to that, the only thing that was on my mind was the job Mrs. Giovanni offered my mum. Who was this person that needed to be taken care of ? Ohh yeah she said it was her son. How old could he be? 12? 13? 11? I had no clue and me being the clumsy girl I am had to bump face first into someone's chest. I looked up to see a man dressed all up in a black suit. He seemed to be in his 50's but he was still a handsome one. I apologised and tried to move around him when he asked if i knew a "Miss. Sierra Bloom". "Well I'm miss Sierra Bloom". He told me to follow me him and i did. Wow I was really opting for my death these days. A random stranger told me to follow him and here i am doing just that. Every single lesson that I was thought about not following strangers jumped out of the windows of my brain cells. Then we stopped in front of a sleek grey Audi Q7. I wasn't one to obsess over cars but from the looks of this one i didn't need a crystal ball lady to tell me it was an expensive car. The man who I'm suspecting to be the driver of this car told me to step inside. This is a really corporate way of kidnapping someone. All the glasses were tinted and i couldnt see who was sitting inside of the car.
"My madam is waiting for you." And right after he said that he opened the door and i saw a face I recognised. Mrs Giovanni. "Get in dear we don't have all day." Well since i had already come this far I might as well go in. Mentally reminding myself to text my mum and Paul that I'd be late to work,  I stepped inside the car. I couldn't stop admiring the interior of this car. It was more posh than anything I'd ever set my eyes on. It had that new car smell if you'd know what im talking about. My jaw was hanging loosely from its place of attachment. And then Mrs Giovanni decided to clear her throat. I immediately snapped out of my daze. "So Sierra let's get straight into business, I believe you know this is a private issue and it is not by any means meant to come out in the open. Once this information is leaked you'll regret ever doing business with me. Got it?"
Well shit just got real. "Yes ma'am. I understand." " Well good. I'm happy you understand. This situation is serious and please don't call me ma'am it makes me feel old. Call me Sarah. I'm Sarah Fontana Giovanni." She said with a rause in hef pitch. I honestly didn't know if I was supposed to worship at her feet after she said that cause right now I hear no bells ringing in my head about her identity. "Ohhhh I know you." I feigned knowledge. After I said that she looked fairly pleased. Well the size of her ego must be really big I guess.
"My son met with an accident recently and my family and I want someone to take care of him secretly, that's why I wanted your mum to do it because I trust her,  you'll stay in the mansion and be at his beck and call 24/7 anything he wants; you need to get, whatever he wants you to do, you do just that . He cant really help himself much this period. He can be a bit grumpy at times, make sure you don't make him angry and oh be very patient with him. Do you understand?"
" Yes, ma'am..... uhmm I mean Sarah. And when am I suppose to start this job?" "You'd have to start in 2 days make sure you get your things ready. My driver Jamie will come and pick you up,Oh and one more thing we never met."  With she stopped talking and turned in the opposite direction. After she said that I realized we were back at the point where they picked me up from, we were just probably driving in circles all through this conversation. I stepped out of the vehicle and with vigorous speed they took off and went away. Oh well there goes lunch. I thought she would take me to some fancy resturaunt to have a good talk. I guess that just happens in movies . I really didn't even need to call anyone cause that conversation didn't even last 5 straight minutes. Mrs Giovanni hit the nail on the head very quickly. As i walked to the cafe I couldn't stop thinking about how shady this whole situation was and how i got myself into it in the first place.

Hi guys, I hope you guys liked this chapter. The next chapter is also under construction. Pls don't forget to like and comment. Also share to your friends and family. Xx💫💗

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