Dream story number 1

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"Hi, Tamarin!" Anemone exclaimed as she walked up to Tamarin. Tamarin smiled at the sound of her crush's voice.

"Hi, Anemone! What do you want to do today?" 

"Do you want to go on a train with me?" Anemone replied. Tamarin nodded and then the two dragonets walked to the Jade Mountain Train Station.

As Anemone and Tamarin were waiting in line, Anemone noticed that the train ticket guy was scanning the Dragons' talons and she wondered why, but she just shrugged it off, thinking it was for security reasons. When it was finally here and Tamarin's turn in line, Tamarin handed the guy her ticket and he scanned one of her talons on the scanner, and it lit up green and he let her go in the train. 

Then Anemone gave him her ticket and then scanned her talon on the scanner, but instead of it lighting up green, it lit up red and made a loud noise. The dragon's eyes widened and he screamed, "YOU CAN'T GET ON THIS TRAIN!" Anemone was confused and scared and she asked, "What? Why not?"


"He's just my grandfather. Why can I not go on because of who I'm related to? It's not my fault that he's my grandfather." Anemone replied.

"NO, YOU'RE EVIL!" The dragon responded. Anemone saw Tamarin listening in, confused.

"Come on, Tamarin, let's just go." Anemone said to her. Tamarin nodded, and followed her as she flew off. 

"So, where should we go now?" Tamarin asked. 

"Hmm... How about we go to a hotel?" Anemone suggested. 

"Okay!" Tamarin replied. The dragonets flew to a nearby hotel and walked in.

"Hello, would you like to get a room?" The receptionist asked. Anemone nodded. The receptionist smiled and replied, "One bed or two?" 

"One!" Tamarin said immediately, and then she covered her blushing face. Anemone's face was red as well. The receptionist chuckled and then gave them a room key. 

The two went to their room and were sitting on their bed talking when all of a sudden, a loud blaring siren went off.

"Ouch what is that!?" Tamarin asked.

"I don't know. Let's just stay in here until it stops," Anemone replied, covering her wing over Tamarin and Tamarin calmed down. But then, water started covering the floor and it started rising.

"Tamarin? I know you can swim, but how long can you hold your breath?" Anemone asked.

"About two minutes. Why?" She replied. 

"Well, the room is flooding and we have to get out!" Anemone replied. Tamarin looked panicked. Anemone flew to the door and opened it.

"Tamarin, over here!" She called. Tamarin flew out the door with Anemone and then two scary looking dragons knocked them out.

The next thing they knew, they had been dragonetnapped.

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