Dream Story Number 2 (Feather x Turtle)

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-Note: I had this dream like a REALLY long time ago, but I still remember parts of it, so I am writing it. And honestly I don't know why I had a dream like this... LOL-

It was a bright and sunny day in Pyhrria. All dragons were enjoying the sun and having fun. Well, except for one green Seawing. He was being held Captive under a mountain by Discord.
"Hello, Turtle! I see it is a nice day today." Discord said. Turtle just scowled at him. He started thinking of a way out and thought that he could go out through one of the rocks

Turtle had been trapped in a very odd cave that looked very beautiful with weird blue minions. He was trying to escape to get back to his family. He finally escaped the evil being of chaos and was finally outside in the world.

Turtle was flying outside in the beautiful blue sky. The grass was green and everything was great, but he saw something out of the ordinary. There was a wooden structure that looked similar to the great wall of China. Turtle flew over to it and landed on top of part of it.

He looked at the dragon nearest to him and she was a sandy green color. She had a body like a seawing but she had a spike on top of her nose and a sandwing-like frill thingy. She looked like a fierce guard. 

Turtle's mother, Queen Coral, flew up to Turtle and started talking to him. She introduced the Seawing-Sandwing hybrid.

"This is your sister, Feather." She said. Turtle now knew that he had another sister, around the same age as him. Feather was pretty and cute looking. 

(I don't remember what happened after this, I only remember the ending.)

Feather and Turtle flew off and found a nice brown house in a meadow. They lived in the house for the rest of their lives.

-Author's note: Yeah, I don't know why I had a dream about Turtle getting married to his half sister... LOL-

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2021 ⏰

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