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The man's head exploded in a burst of blood and bone. Yoongi lowered his gun and looked around the mess at the dead man's crew. Jungkook grabbed the other combatant, who was now covered in red, and dragged him from the hall. Yoongi motioned with his gun for both crews to leave and no one tried to argue.

I let out a trembling breath and sat back against Namjoon's chest with my hands clasped at mine.

"Ssh, calm down," Namjoon murmured in my ear soothingly. "We prepare for these things. It's what we do."

"He just killed him. Blew his head off right there in front of everyone and no one cares." A couple of security guards were carrying what was left of the man's body out of the hall in a body bag while the other guests and patrons just moved to drier seats.

"Everyone in this place is a killer, Morgan. Everyone. Would it make you feel better if you knew what the guy was known for?"

I nodded slightly. "Maybe."

Namjoon motioned to Hobi behind him who handed up a tablet. Namjoon put it in front of me and I blinked a few times as I looked down so my eyes could adjust to the light. The man's criminal charges were listed on the screen. He'd been charged with murder and drug offenses, plus he was being investigated for a string of brutal rapes around the city and was mentioned in connection to a child sex trafficking ring. I read the charges and looked back up at Namjoon.

"He was a bad man, Morgan. Everyone here has a sheet just as long. Ours wouldn't be any better, but when we kill, it's men like him. Regardless of what you've heard about us, we aren't the same. We are only a threat to men like him. What happened here tonight... you shouldn't lose any sleep over it."

His voice was smooth like velvet, but it did nothing to calm the storm raging inside me. Looking at the string of convictions and pending charges against the man, I had no problems with him being taken out of this world to meet his maker, but it was the ease with which Yoongi and Jungkook had delivered their own justice that had me shaking. It was nothing to pull the trigger, but I knew what that felt like. I knew what it was like to watch the light leave another person's eyes because of something I did and as much as I hated to admit it, I had enjoyed it.

What I'd seen below hadn't scared me. It had excited me. And that was the terrifying part. Was I a monster, too?


The rest of the auction went by without a problem. Either people had gotten their aggression out earlier, or they were too afraid of Jungkook's and Yoongi's itchy trigger fingers. As soon as all the well-dressed people were out of the theater, a cleaning crew rushed in to save what they could. Namjoon had already called someone to schedule the replacement of what couldn't be cleaned, but other than the hassle of trying to schedule teams, everyone seemed remarkably unfazed. By the time we made it in the house, it was nearly two in the morning.

Everyone else disappeared to their rooms so I made my way up to Jungkook's, but instead of changing and going to sleep, I just plopped down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. Finally, I couldn't take it any longer and tiptoed downstairs to look for something to eat.

I rummaged around in the cabinets for a few minutes and found several things to cook with, but I had no real idea how to put them together. I stood back with my arms crossed over my chest as i stared up at all the food.

"None of it is going to cook itself, you know."

I spun around to see a smiling Jin propped up against the island in the middle of the kitchen and nearly tripped over my dress.

"Jin! You scared the shit out of me!"

He laughed and walked up beside me. "Sorry. I'm known for being light on my feet."

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