9: Save Me

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Once the food arrived, Namjoon and I walked into the main area to eat with the others at the bar. The delivery guy had to make two trips for all the bags. Jimin's eyes widened as I sat out all the plates.

"How much did you order?"

"Namjoon said I could order anything I wanted."

Namjoon's mouth hung open as he handed the kid a substantial tip. "I think maybe I misjudged you."

"I think you're right." I laughed and handed the boys their food before sitting down and opening up my tuna tataki and seafood roll and sitting them both to the side. Then I started adding all the extra ingredients to my pho, making sure to tear the basil into smaller pieces and separate the noodles. I looked up and caught them all staring.

"Are you really going to eat all that," Hobi asked, dumbfounded.

I sighed and put down my chopsticks. "Look, guys. I've literally been starving. My body has just realized that it's not dying right this second, but it's a pessimist and thinks I should pound down every calorie I can get my hands on in case this only lasts a few days and I'm starving again in a week." I shrugged and popped a piece of tuna in my mouth along with some daikon in tataki sauce. "Assuming you don't kill me or get rid of me too soon, it'll even out."

"Whatever you say. I just might sleep with my door locked in case you get hungry in the middle of the night," Jimin joked.

"The way Jin cooks, I don't think you have to worry about that."

All three looked up at me like I'd just turned into a giant bug.

"Jin hyung shared his food with you?"

"Well, sorta. He cooked us each a bowl of ramen the other night. Is that unusual?"

The guys shared a look before Namjoon spoke. "It's not exactly unusual...we've just never seen him share his food without a fight before."

"He likes food, huh?"

Jimin snorted. "Yeah. He'd probably fight you for all of that if he was here."

We settled into a comfortable conversation as we ate. The rain continued to pound outside, sometimes hitting the metal roof so hard that we had to raise our voices to be heard. I wondered if it would end up flooding like it typically did in the monsoon season.

Just as we were finishing, the heavy doors on the front opened and slammed shut. Two guys walked in shaking water off their clothes. Namjoon and the other two sat up and stiffened, dropping all their earlier reverie.

One guy was as short as the other one was tall. The shorter one looked slightly demonic with his narrowed eyes and lowered chin. The taller one looked a little easier to deal with, but the gun on his hip was no joke.

"Kyungsoo. Chanyeol. You're a little early," Namjoon said, stepping down from his stool. "We're just finishing up lunch, but we might have a doughnut or two left if you'd like one."

"Cut the shit, Joon. We're here for our guns," the shorter one spoke. I didn't know which one was which, but he scared me with his intensity and deep, gravelly voice. The tall one looked down at me with a tiny smile and glint in his eyes.

"No need to be a dick, Kyungsoo. Come on. I've got them in the back."

Hobi and Jimin stood to follow, not taking their eyes off the other two.

"Are you coming, too, sweetheart," the taller one, Chanyeol I assumed, asked me. I looked back at Namjoon, not sure what to do.

"No. She stays here. She's just an escort."

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