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hey guys, this is my first book in English and it isn't my first language, so if you spot any mistakes tell me so I can improve my writing hope you enjoy the imagines!!


You were currently sitting on the couch of the huge house with Kourtney and Khloe. Kendall was in her room sleeping. There were camera men around getting footage for Keeping Up.

Nothing different from normal was happening, you all were just scrolling through Instagram.

"Guys I'm so damn bored, what do you think about pranking Kenny?" Khloe asked with a smirk.

"I don't really think that's a good ideia Khloe. She'll kill us."

"No Y/N, don't be like that" Kourtney whined dragging the last word and you rolled your eyes.

"Okay" You sighed "What are we gonna do then?" They both cheered.

"I don't know, let me ask people on twitter, they are savage, man" Kourt said and all the women laughed amusedly.

"What are they saying?" Khloe asked after a while.

"Let them rest", "Leave Kenny alone" She smirked.

"See, they're rational peop-" Before you could finish your sentence she bursted into laughter.

"Oh my god, this one is so fucking good" She said laughing.

"What is it?" Khloe asked getting closer to her older sister.

"Put a few squares of chocolate in their bum so it melts, and when they wake up they think they pooped themselves" She could barely read it since she was laughing hard.

You couldn't hold it in any longer and started laughing with them.

"Okay, I admit it, this seems pretty funny, but I lowkey don't wanna do it" You pouted.

"That's a bummer because we're doing it anyway. Imagine her waking up and going to the bathroom after seeing it, oh my god" Khloe was dying of laughter and you rolled my eyes playfully at their childishness.

Kourtney got the chocolate and you went to Kendall's room, trying to be as quiet as you could. But it was hard, since there were men following you around with giant cameras.

"Oh my god, she rolled over" Kourtney whispered. "Come on before she wakes up."

You entered the room and Khloe rolled Kendall putting her back to face away from them. You were putting the chocolate but Kourtney decided it was a good ideia to turn on her flashlight. Kendall started to move and soon she was awaken.

"What the fuck are you guys doing?" She asked still disoriented. "Why are there lights on my face?" She put her hand over her eyes and Kourt turned off the light.

"Dammit Kendall, we were trying to prank you by putting chocolate on you so you'd think you had pooped" Kourtney said and they were dying of laughter again by now.

"You guys are like, twelve. You're literally grown women, come on. Ugh babe, even you?" She pouted.

"I'm sorry. They practically obligated me" You crawled into her and glared playfully at the older sisters. You kissed her pout away while hugging her figure.

"Okay, okay you love birds, I should've guessed that this prank would turn into a session of love between you two" Kourtney fake gagged making you and the model laugh.

"Okay now let me and my girlfriend have some time alone huh?" Kendall said to them.

"Guess this wasn't wasted time for Y/N" Khloe mumbled.

"Guys, get the fuck out" Kenny said and you smiled.

"I love you" You kissed her.

"I love you too, so much" And with that you went to sleep together in a very comfy position.

Kendall Jenner GxG ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now